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    YGO Card Name Game

    i thought i may as well try so how about these The Dark - Hex-Sealed Fusion The Earth - Hex-Sealed Fusion The Light - Hex-Sealed Fusion off topic a bit who changed my signature? and are the rules different now?
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    YGO Card Name Game

    jinzo your correct it's rescue cat
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    YGO Card Name Game

    you can keep it as a pet
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    YGO Card Name Game

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    YGO Card Name Game

    correct jinzo64 it is, it's your turn
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    YGO Card Name Game

    this is what you get when you combine pot of greed and pot of generosity
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    YGO Card Name Game

    gladiator beast bestiari
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    YGO Card Name Game

    mogmole is correct your turn now jinzo64
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    YGO Card Name Game

    no-one has it yet so here's a small hint my clue was referring to the art on the card
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    YGO Card Name Game

    no-one has it yet
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    YGO Card Name Game

    wow ne4ver thought I'd get it that fast but here's my clues my drill shall pierce the heavens
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    YGO Card Name Game

    dark mimic lv1 dark mimic lv3
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    Super Monarchs?

    hey jinzo i should be able to help you out with obelisk if you want to borrow it but i only have 1 copy
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    I'm Back

    hi i thought id try logging in again i'm surprised there's still a site that i'm using this user name i haven't used it in years now
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    Spellcaster Deck

    Monsters [/COLOR]1-Magician of Black Chaos 1-Dark Eradicator Warlock 3-Dark Magician 2-Dark Magician Girl 1-Breaker The Magical Warrior 2-Exarion Universe 3-Gemini Elf 3-Kycoo The Ghost Destroyer 3-Skilled Dark Magician 1-Spirit Reaper 1-Magician of Faith[/COLOR] [/COLOR] Magic Cards...
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    first dragon deck needs help

    i have edited the deck a bit so is this any better -1 spirit reaper -1 sakuretsu arkor -1 the transmigration prophacy +1 morphing jar +2 burst stream of destruction +1 mirror force
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    first dragon deck needs help

    ok i updated the deck a bit so it works a little better now total cards - 41 tribute monsters - 3 blue-eyes white dragon -3 non-tribute monsters - 15 paladin of white dragon - 3 manju of the ten thousand hands - 3 kaiser sea horse - 2 dekoichi the battlechanted locomotive - 2 spear dragon...
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    first dragon deck needs help

    i modified my dragon deck and tried to focuss it on Blue Eyes White Dragon so here's the new list total cards - 40 tribute monsters - 4 blue-eyes white dragon -3 blue-eyes shining dragon - 1 non-tribute monsters - 17 lord of d - 3 kaibaman - 3 spear dragon - 2 paladin of white dragon - 3...
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    first dragon deck needs help

    this is my dragon deck i dont have much of a strategy at the moment all i whant is for it to work around lord of D. total cards - 41 tribute monsters - 8 blue-eyes white dragon -3 luster dragon #2 - 1 horus the black flame dragon lv6 - 1 armed dragon lv5 - 3 non-tribute monsters - 15...
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    Jathro's Have/Wants and the like

    i want jinzo i can offer you Brain Control-tlm-super Dekoichi the Battlechanted Locomotive-rds-rare-1st ed Monster Reincarnation-rds-super-1st ed Sky Scourge Norleras-fotb-super-1st ed all mint condition