Yeah! Tsukuyomi clearly specifies "when summoned of flipped face up"...What just happened? It was flipped face up! Just like when a Flip-Effect monster is attacked, it's effect activates... I want to ask, when is the monster flipped face down? at the end of the damage step? :D
I agree, although flips are "mandatory" effects, there's no way this one happens...well, I mean, what would happen if you used Scapegoats and your opponent activated Bait Doll targeting your Face-Down Archfiend's Roar? (let's say you have desrook in your graveyard). Would it activate? No.
Dark Space Typhoon
[Quick-Play Spell]
"Destroy one monster on the field"
Chaotic Space Typhoon
[Quick-Play Spell]
"Destroy one card on the field"
:D! Each limited to one like Mystical Space Typhoon! Simple, nice and broken, but worst of all...Possible! I like these cards :D!
I would like to see this one :D!
Freed the D.D. General.
6* Warrior
Once during your turn, you may discard one card from your hand to special summon any of your monsters removed from play. The summoned monster cannot attack this turn.
D.D. Sword
1* Rock
Tribute this face-up...
Negate Pole Position as long as the loop remains...that would end up resolving all scenarios (at least lots of them) and punishing that little card that starts all those horrible loops :D!
I must say that Book of Moon resets conditions and not GAME RULES! a CARD can only attack once unless it has an effect that states otherwise (or has an equip). If Book of Moon could reset this, then you could do infinite flip summons to a magician of faith by activating book of moon, recovering...
But isn't the removal of Peten the cost to activate its effect? If it's so, then it would work under The End of Anubis since it "Activates in the RFP zone"!
UAGH! Confusing!
I guess...yes...
I'm sorry, but I have to ask this: if you have Banisher of the Light and you tribute exiled to destroy The End of Anubis, would it's effect be negated?
I guess no, since it never made it to the graveyard and it activated in the RFP zone...Never heard of something like this...
Anyways, If you didn't knew, "Konami ga sou itterukara" is something originally posted by daivahataka and means "Konami said so".
I am awaiting for the response of the second part of the mail that jdos posted on the Judge List:
I'm sure everyone of us here knows that Exiled's effect works under Skill Drain because Exiled Force is no longer on the field when it resolves!
Maybe there is a problem concerning game mechanics. Which of these is correct:
1) You pay the cost and then activate the card
2) You pay the cost...
I'M CONFUSED! Exiled Force shouldn't be a Graveyard Effect...however, if you consider that in order to activate a card you must pay the cost, Exiled Force would be negated by End of Anubis (Exiled Force is in the graveyard when it activates due to the cost). That mean that The End of Anubis...
<Printing...printing...> I know how Divine Wrath works, but I'll print a copy so all players get a new perspective of the card (Judging a Championship here in Colombia lots of people asked me about this card...the answer: "You can't negate Jinzo with that! No matter how hard you cry, that would...
I'm going to Ban Pole Position from tournament play! =P
OMFG! It's worse than Divine Wrath :D! <rubs head with eyes closed> I can see all players following you, trying to get the best answer from you about the rullings of the same card again, and again, and Again, And Again, AND Again, AND...
IMO I would negate the effect of Pole Position too (or the loop would never end) and I would reactivate it again after no loop would occur. That's how I would rule this...
We need help from either Konami or the Netrepâ„¢s :D...
Steve, Please read this whole thread. Pole Position is not a very good friend of Muka Muka or monsters that increase their attack by their own effect (Shadow Ghoul, enraged Muka Muka...) and give us your thoughts :D, please :D!
Nothing was activated illegaly, look:
Player A has a face up gemini Elf and Pole Position active on the field.
Player B has a face up Muka Muka Equipped with axe of despair but not enough cards in the hand (so Muka's attack is less than Gemini's)
Player B draws in the Draw Phase and Muka's...
You can activate Tragedy after Curse of Anubis resolves (and ONLY if it was the last thing to resolve).
PD: Why is Curse of Anubis so problematic? Has anyone received the confirmation if it can be activated in Damage Step?
Maybe creating a rulling would resolve the problem.
-Negate Pole Position's effect would be an option
-Negate Muka Muka's effect would be another option
-Negate the Axe would be another option.
-You can't draw if you would make MM's attack higher enough to create the loop (I don't think this...
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