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  1. A

    Spellcaster help here?

    First off, I wouldn't use the Silent Magicians. Dark Magician, use it if you wish, definately get a DMoC, get another magical dimension, be more selective about trap cards, try to go down to less than 10 at least. Get rid of Plasma Zone, many people use alot of dark monsters. Perhaps an...
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    Manticore Bestiality

    Ok it's been little time since I posted my Gk deck. Well, I didn't win the tourney, but I had 2 wins and 2 losses, not bad, but not good. Ok, so I thought about it and got my hands on an other Manticore of Darkness. This card is outrageous, I mean it comes back in the end phase that it was...
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    Gravekeepr's Help me

    all I need to do now is get a mirror force and a morphing jar. thnx :D
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    final countdown V2.0 needs fixes

    I'd say take the robbin zombie and the robbin goblins out, they're not much use in a deck so heavy on defense. Other than that I really wouldn't I've used one of these so i really wouldn't know. Pyro clock of destiny? Anyways that's bout it. Now you go se mine deck. (MUahahahah) JK. Check my...
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    Gravekeepr's Help me

    By the amount of replies I see no one still likes GKs. bump-ity bump
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    Gravekeepr's Help me

    Ok so it's been a while since I played yuguioh seriously or bought cards, a year to be precise. I plan on getting back to it, well seeing that I haven't bought cards for a while I ask for a few suggestions for this old and rusty deck. You guessed it, it's a Gravekeeper deck. Monsters...