Card Effects Discussion

Digital Jedi

Staff member
I see this was the list of problem cards in the Simple Text Discussion area

  • Last Turn
  • Destruction Jammer
  • My Body as a Shield
  • Relinquished
  • Thousand-Eyes Restrict
  • Blue-Eyes Toon Dragon
  • Toon Dark Magician Girl
  • Rainbow Dragon
  • Ancient City - Rainbow Ruins

I was wondering if we made any progress on these? I'd love to take a crack at Last Turn.

Also, we have this section in the forums for STP discussion, and the Talk page in the Wiki. Can we settle on what each of these areas should be for? I'd like to see some consistency and activity in this forum area as well.

I was thinking that since this area draws more attention than the Wiki, we could use this area for announcements, as well as start discussion threads on specific cards and card suggestions.

Since this is a group project, I'm posing these questions in the main part of the forum. What are your thoughts?
Feel free to have a crack at whatever you want. That list of cards isn't so much "problem cards" as they are "cards with interesting effects whose bases haven't been covered yet". It helps to define them, so that we have a better range of "done" effects to refer to when making other cards. I came up with that list off the top of my head, so I'm sure there are plenty of hard effects that I've missed. If you spot any, add them to that list.

I figured that since the STP was based in the wiki, it makes sense to have the discussion pages for it nearby, which is why I put up a few things there. Regarding the page layout, I think discussion would still be good in the wiki, because it'd involve a lot of flipping back and forth and putting up example code (possibly). We can have a thread here too for it, though, just in case.

As for rewriting effects, there's no real formatting needed there. The tricky cards (like those in the list you mentioned, along with any others you can think of) may as well get threads in this section (one thread per card), as you say, so that more people can see them. Once they're rewritten, they get a wiki page, and discussion on tweaking that page will go in that page's dicussion (I feel a bout of tautology coming on). Obviously, simple effects like "Yami" and "Muka Muka" don't need any kind of discussion, so they can pretty much just be put up straight away.

Discussion can include not only suggestions for tweaking the card text, but also suggestions for card rulings that should be mentioned and clarified.

And yes, announcements can be put in here too, since here's more visible than the wiki. Not entirely sure what kind of announcements we'd have, though (other than pleas for new people to join up).