CoG Amazon Affiliate Store Back Online

Digital Jedi

Staff member
Amazon finally managed to get North Carolina back on their affiliate program. And truth be told, it was the only thing that really helped with site upkeep in a financial sense. So please check out our aStore, even if you don't see anything you want to buy off hand. I've only added a few Yu-Gi-Oh! items and some downloadable games. But just visiting the store helps.

We also have an AllPosters store, as you may know. I'm, actually, a little less familiar with how that one works, but I presume it's similar to the aStore, in that just visiting can be helpful. The next time you want to buy a poster, consider visiting our store, even if you don't find anything in our local set of items, then checking out the main site.

Pretty soon I hope to add our CafePress store back, as well. So stay tuned.