Evolva TCG


Council of Heroes
Staff member
I've invented a new card game!

Actually it's far from complete. It's similar to the Pokémon TCG, which some of you may know about. I've written up everything I've developed so far in the wiki (remember we have a wiki?).

The basic idea is that you control 4 genetic warriors, which you pit against other people with their own teams, and try to kill each other. You can modify your warriors by giving them genes and mutating and evolving them into stronger fighters.

I'd like to develop this game further, as I believe it has a lot of potential. I'd like some feedback and suggestions for improving the game, and there'll always be a need for more cards. As I said, it's far from finished, so please lend me your insights.
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There are a few examples of cards at the bottom of the wiki page. None of them are finalised - they're only there as, well, examples of what a card might do.

Feel free to invent your own cards, and post them either in the wiki or in this thread.

One thing I was wondering about was whether I should also include some kind of "Trainer" card type, as opposed to having just the Genohunter and Gene card types.
I changed a couple of things.

Evolving a Genohunter now does NOT remove the previous evolution card. You could end up having a stack of half a dozen Genohunter cards. I also clarified that you can evolve to a weaker Genohunter, and that if you do, the extra Evolution Cost pool (for want of a better term) that the old evolution had is lost. There's an example to illustrate this.

I've also invented another Gene subtype - "Gene X". The rarest and more powerful of all Gene cards, and they're restricted to one per Deck. I imagine these will be treated much like Pokémon-ex cards, in that they'll be punished by various other cards (e.g. moves that do double damage to Genohunters equipped with a Gene X card).

Additionally, I've added the Poison Element, and mentioned that you can mix two or more Elements together to provide even more Genohunters (e.g. thunderstorm controllers have Evolution Costs of Wind & Water). Dual Element Genohunters have not (yet) been introduced, and I'm not sure whether to allow them or not.
I was going to say something on the Discussion Page about maybe a different term for "evolve", since it's technically not a natural selection process. But then it hit me that the game is called Evolva. I'm slow.
Yeah, it helps if you're familiar with the computer game that inspired it. The problem is that it's really obscure.

I could get rid of the "Mutate" term for equipping a Gene to a Henohunter, and instead call evolution "Mutate" (since that would be more akin to how the game uses that term). I don't see much reason for not using the simple "Equip 1 Gene card to this Genohunter" phrase - trying to force "Mutate" in there would be awkward.

We'll see how it pans out.

At least I got how an evolution is simply a change, rather than a change to something better. I'm a scientist - I know these things.
I've changed the Elements again. Earth, Metal and Normal were removed, and Symbiote (fusion with life) and Brute (fighting) were added.

Genohunters do not need to have an Element (or two), but most do. Genohunters without an Element tend to be weaker than those with Elements, since they act like Colorless Pokémon (i.e. can use any kind of Gene for evolution). Similar to this, Gene cards without an Element act like Colorless Energy cards, useless except for Genohunters that need "X any" to evolve (this includes "4 Fire + 1 any" and other combinations like that).

Confused? Yeah, me too, a bit. I'm not sure what the implications are, nor what implications I want there to be. Yeah, work in progress.