Frankmans Trade thread!


CoG iTrader

1. Bad offers allowed they’re free bumps.
2. Don’t leave after one reply!
3. I will only accept MINT cards!
4. I will check lists!
5. Ask about the condition of my cards!
6. Money offers are welcome!
7. If a card is stated as OUTGOING it’s not for trade anymore.
8. Have fun!
Deck Wants:
Dimensional Prison
Drillroid (INCOMING!)
Mirror Force
Rainbow Life 3x (INCOMING 3x!)
Solemn Judgment 3x

Deck Pimp Wants (These have to be 100% mint and English!):
Banisher of the Radiance DR04 2x
Bottomless Trap Hole CP04 2x
Ceasefire DB1
Cyber Dragon CRV Super
D. D. Crow STON Ultimate 2x
Drillroid DR04/YSDS
Dust Tornado PSV 2x
Enemy Controller DR2
Fissure HL2
Green Gadget HL05 2x
Hammer Shot SOD Ultimate
Heavy Storm MRD/DB2
Jinzo DB1 2x
Kinetic Soldier TFK 3x
Kycoo the Ghost Destroyer LON 2x
Lightning Vortex DR3/FET Super
Limiter Removal PSV
Magic Cylinder IOC
Mirror Force DB2
Monster Reborn LOB/DB1
Morphing Jar TP4
Mystical Space Typhoon DB1
Neo-Spacian Grand Mole STON Ultimate
Premature Burial DB1
Rainbow Life PTDN Ultimate 3x
Royal Decree DB2 2x
Smashing Ground CP02
Snipe Hunter CP03
Solemn Judgment DB2-EN 3x
Torrential Tribute LON/DB1
Trap Dustshoot CP05

Card Wants (These need to be 1000% mint!):
Blue-Eyes White Dragon DDS
Crush Card Virus
Cyber Dragon
Cyber Valley
Dark Armed Dragon
Dark Magician DDS
Darklord Zerato
Destiny Draw
Escape from the Dark Dimension
Exodia the Forbidden One DDS
Il Blud
Magical Stone Excavation
Mirror Force
Morphing Jar TP2

Misc Wants:
Playstation Portable
Yu-Gi-Oh! World Championship 2008 (NDS)

Playmat Wants:
Gadget Playmat
Machine Playmat
Naruto Kyuubi Playmat

Extra Wants:
TP2-006 - Mikazukinoyaiba
TP2-007 - Skull Guardian
TP2-009 - Dokurorider
TP2-011 - Beautiful Headhuntress
TP2-012 - Sonic Maid
TP2-014 - Warrior of Tradition
My haves list:

The Forceful Sentry DB1 (Named: Ryu Senshi)
Giant Trunade DB1 (Named: Fiend Skull Dragon)
Trap Hole DB1 (Named: Fusion Gate)
Gaia the Dragon Champion DB1 (Named: Royal Oppression)
Magic Drain (Named: Kycoo the Ghost Destroyer) 2x
Hayabusa Knight DB1 (Named: Riryoku Field)
Gearfried the Iron Knight DB1 (Named: Kuriboh)

Tournament pack cards:

Steel Shell R
Blue Medicine R 2x
Raimei R
Gust Fan R
Tiger Axe R
Oscillo Hero #2 C 2x
Giant Flea C 2x
Bean Soldier C 4x
The Statue of Easter Island C 2x
Corroding Shark C 2x
Wow Warrior C 2x
Winged Dragon, Guardian of the Fortress #2 C 2x
Oscillo Hero C 2x
Shining Friendship C 3x
Hercules Beetle C
The Judgement Hand C 2x
Cyber Soldier of Darkworld C 2x
Cockroach Knight C
Kuwagata α C

Raimei R
Héros Oscillo No2 C
Puce Géante C 2x
Soldat Haricot C
Statue de l’Île de Pâques C
Dragon Ailé, Gardien de la Forteresse No2 C
Amitié Scintillante C
La Main Du Jugement C
Wodan, le Résident de la Forêt C
Cybersoldat des Ténèbres C
Chevalier-Cafard C
Kuwagata @ C 3x

Giant Red Seasnake R 2x
Call of the Grave R 2x
Rush Recklessly C 2x
Senju of the Thousand Hands C
Karate Man C
Nobleman of Extermination C
Magic Drain C
Gravity Bind C 3x
Hayabusa Knight C 3x
Mad Sword Beast C

Trap of Board Eraser R
Goddes with the Third Eye C
Jowgen the Spiritualist C
Tornado Bird C
Destruction Punch C 2x
Beastking of the Swamps C
Mystical Sheep #1 C
Curse of Royal C

Dark Balter the Terrible C 9x
Ryu Senshi C 7x
Emergency Provisions C 2x
Fiend Skull Dragon C 2x
Thunder Nyan Nyan C 3x
Last Turn C
Sleeping Lion C 9x
Nekogal #1 C 2x
Burglar C 3x
Clown Zombie C 5x

Soul Exchange C
Fortress Whale’s Oath C
Skilled White Magician C 3x
Wall of Illusion C
Last Will C
Haniwa C 4x
Millenium Golem C 3x
Dig Beak C 4x
Nekogal #2 C 3x

Haniwa C

Garma Sword Oath C 2x
Berserk Gorilla C 3x
Gatekeeper C 2x
Behegon C 2x
Temple of Skulls C 3x
Blocker C 2x
Secretarian of Secrets C 2x

DB1 tipcard set
DR1 tipcard set
DB2 tipcard set
DP2 strategy card set

Acid Trap Hole SDD-E
Alpha the Magnet Warrior DOR-E
Andro Sphinx EP1-EN
Aqua Chorus PCK-E (OUTGOING!)
Beta the Magnet Warrior DOR-E
Blue-Eyes Shining Dragon MOV-EN
Dark-Piercing Light MP1
Exarion Universe CT2-EN
Fairy King Truesdale WC4 (OUTGOING!)
Familiar Knight EP1-EN
Feenkönig Wahrtal TFK-DE
Frog the Jam MP1
Gamma the Magnet Warrior DOR-E
Graceful Dice TSC-E
Inferno Tempest EP1-EN
Kuriboh PCY-G
Machine King EM1-EN 13x
Mazera DeVille TLM-ENSE
Megasonic Eye MP1
Peten the Dark Clown EP1-EN 2x
Rare Metal Dragon EP1-EN 2x
Restructer Revolution DL5-DE
Riryoku TSC
Salamandra SDD-E 2x
Seal of the Ancients PCK-E (OUTGOING!)
Sinister Serpent SDD
Sinister Serpent WC4-E 2x
Sphinx Teleia EP1-EN 2x
Sword of Dragon's Soul PCJ-EN
Theinen le Grand Sphinx YMM-FR001
Theinen the Great Sphinx EP1-EN
Thousand-Eyes Restrict MC1-EN
Total Defence Shogun CT1-EN SCR
Twinheaded Beast DBT-EN
Ushi Oni MP1
Watapon MOV-EN
Windstorm of Etaqua PCY-E 4x
Zera the Mant PP01-EN
Zoa PT1-EN 21x
Zoa TFK 2x

Secret rares:
The End of Anubis AST (OUTGOING!)
Imperial Order PSV-E 1st

Ultra rares:
B. Skull Dragon MRD-E 1st
Big Shield Guardna DB1-EN
Blue-Eyes White Dragon SDK-E 2x
Dark Magician SDY-E
Elemental Hero Bladedge YSD-EN 1st
Guardian Grarl DCR
Horn of Heaven MRD-E
Insect Princess IOC
Lava Golem IOC-SE
Red-Eyes B. Dragon SDJ
Red-Eyes Darkness Dragon SDJ-EN 1st
Relinquished SDP
Ring of Destruction IOC-SE
Thousand-Eyes Restrict PSV

Super rares:
B.E.S Covered Core SOI-EN 1st
Barrel Behind the Door PGD 1st 2x
Big Burn IOC
Blue-Eyes White Dragon SKE 1st
Blue-Eyes White Dragon SKE
Butterfly Dagger - Elma DCR
Cannon Soldier DB2-EN
Card Destruction SDY
Card Destruction SDY-E 3x
Card Destruction SDY-E 1st
D. D. Designator IOC
Dark Balter the Terrible LOD 2x
Dark Balter the Terrible LOD 1st
Dark Hole LOB-E
Dark Magician SYE
Ectoplasmer SOD-EN 1st
Fiend Skull Dragon LOD 1st
Graceful Charity SDP 7x
Gravekeeper’s Chief PGD 1st (OUTGOING!)
Heavy Storm MRD 1st
Heavy Storm MRD-E
Kycoo, Geistzerstörer LON-G 1st
Lord of D. SDK-E 4x
Mask of the Accursed LON-EN
Mask of the Accursed LON
Penguin Soldier SDJ 2x
Prime Material Dragon PTDN-EN
Reload IOC
Ryu Senshi LOD
Ryu Senshi LOD 1st 2x
Scapegoat SDJ 5x
Shadow Spell SKE 2x
Soul Exchange SDY 1st
Soul Exchange SDY-E
Summoned Skull DB1-EN
Terrorking Archfiend DCR
Terrorking Archfiend DCR 1st
The Flute of Summoning Dragon SDK-E 5x
Trap Hole LOB-E
Trap Jammer IOC
Tribe-Infecting Virus MFC 1st
Water Dragon EEN-EN 1st

Amazoness Tiger MFC
Ameba MRL-E
Ante MFC 1st
Ante MFC
Armed Changer EEN-EN 1st 4x
Armed Ninja LOB-E 1st
Armed Ninja LOB-E 2x
Array of Revealing Light LOD 1st 2x
Array of Revealing Light LOD
Bazoo the Soul-Eater DB2-EN
Berserk Gorilla IOC 3x
Big Bang Shot MFC 2x
Bladefly MRD-E
Blast with Chain DB2-EN
Book of Moon PGD
Broww, Huntsman of Dark World EEN-EN 1st (MISPRINT!)
Butterfly Dagger - Elma DR1-EN 2x
Cannon Soldier MRD-E
Cannon Soldier MRD-E 1st
Chain Disappearance IOC 3x
Charubin the Fire Knight LOB-E
Chthonian Allianz EEN-DE 1st
Chthonian Alliance EEN-EN 1st
Chthonian Blast EEN-EN 1st
Chthonian Soldier EEN-EN 1st 2x
Chiron the Mage FET-EN 1st
Compulsory Evacuation Device IOC 2x
Continuous Destruction Punch MFC
Contract with the Abyss DCR 2x
Cross Counter FET-EN 1st
Cry Havoc! PTDN-EN 1st
Curse of Royal PGD 1st 3x
D. D. Crazy Beast MFC 2x
D. D. Trap Hole CRV-EN 1st
D - Time EOJ-EN 1st 2x
Dark Core MFC 1st
Dark Designator PGD 1st
Dark Driceratops IOC 3x
Dark Scorpion Combination DCR
Dark Spirit Art – Greed PTDN-EN 1st
Dark-Eyes Illusionist PTDN-EN 1st
Darkbishop Archfiend DCR 3x
Darkfire Dragon LOB-E 1st
Darkfire Dragon LOB-E 2x
Dekoichi, die Kampfdampflok RDS-DE 1st
Des Koala MFC 2x
Different Dimension Gate DCR 2x
Drainage Magique SDP-F
Dramatic Rescue MFC
Dragoness the Wicked Knight LOB 1st
Dragoness the Wicked Knight LOB
Drillago DR2-EN
Elemental Absorber EOJ-EN 1st
Elemental Hero Bubbleman CRV-EN 1st
Elemental Hero Thunder Giant DP1-EN
Enraged Battle Ox IOC 1st
Enraged Battle Ox IOC 5x
Fatal Abacus LOD 1st 2x
Feather Wind DP1-EN
Fiend Skull Dragon DB2-EN
Final Flame LOB-E 2x
Fissure LOB-E
Fuhma Shuriken IOC 1st 54x
Fuhma Shuriken IOC 291x
Gaia the Fierce Knight DB1-EN
Getsu Fuhma IOC 2x
Giant Soldier of Stone LOB-E 2x
Giant Soldier of Stone LOB-E 1st
Gigaplant PTDN-EN 1st
Grave Ohja TLM-EN
Gravedigger Ghoul LOB-E
Gravekeeper’s Chief DR1-EN (OUTGOING!)
Gravekeeper’s Watcher PGD 1st
Gravity Bind PSV
Gravity Bind PSV-E 1st 2x
Great Moth MRD-EN
Great Phantom Thief MFC
Guard Penalty EOJ-EN 1st 3x
Guardian Grarl DR1-EN
Guardian Tryce DCR
Hayabusa Knight PSV 7x
Helping Robo For Combat MFC
Hero Barrier EEN-EN 1st
Hiro’s Shadow Scout MRL-E
Hiro’s Shadow Scout MRL-E 1st 2x
Horn of the Unicorn MRL-E
Infernalqueen Archfiend DCR 3x
Jack’s Knight EEN-EN 1st
Jowls of Dark Demise PGD 1st
Karbonala Warrior LOB
King’s Knight EEN-EN 1st
King Tiger Wanghu PGD 1st
Level Limit - Area A EEN-EN 1st 2x
Limiter Removal DB1-EN
Mad Dog of Darkness IOC 3x
Mad Sword Beast PSV 2x
Magic Drain PSV
Magical Scientist DR1-EN 2x
Magician of Faith MRD-E 2x
Majestätischer Mech - Ohka EOJ-DE 1st
Majestic Mech - Ohka EOJ-EN 4x
Mask of Brutality LON-E 1st
Mask of Darkness MRD-E 2x
Master of Oz SOD-EN 1st
Mataza the Zapper IOC 3x
Michizure PSV
Miraculous Descent EOJ-EN 1st
Moisture Creature PGD 1st
Monster Recovery PSV-E 1st
Morphing Jar #2 DB1-EN 2x
Morphing Jar #2 PSV
Mudora DR1-EN
Mystic Tomato MRL-E 2x
Neo-Spacian Grand Mole STON-EN
Newdoria DR1-EN
Ninja Grandmaster Sasuke SOD-EN 2x
Ninja Grandmaster Sasuka SOD-EN 1st
Nobleman of Extermination PSV-E 1st
Nobleman of Extermination PSV
Ojama King SOD-EN 1st 2x
Opticlops LOD
Option Hunter SOI-EN 1st
Overload Fusion POTD-EN
Pandemonium DR1-EN 3x
Pharaoh’s Treasure PGD 1st 2x
Pot of Greed MRL-E
Princess of Tsurugi MRD-E
Pyramid Turtle PGD 2x
Queen’s Knight EEN-EN 1st
Rare Metalmorph RDS-EN 1st
Reckless Greed PGD 1st
Return of the Doomed LON 2x
Robbin’ Zombie IOC
Ryu Senshi DB2-EN
Sangan MRD
Sangan MRD-E 1st
Sasuke Samurai #3 IOC 2x
Schattentöter FET-DE 1st
Second Coin Toss LOD 1st
Senju of the Thousand Hands MRL-E
Shadow Tamer LOD 1st
Shadowslayer FET-EN
Shield & Sword MRD-E
Shift PSV
Skull Invitation PSV
Snake Deity’s Command TAEV-EN 1st
Soul-Absorbing Bone Tower AST
Soul-Absorbing Bone Tower AST 1st
Special Hurricane AST 1st
Spell Calling POTD-EN 1st
Spell Vanishing DR1-EN
Spirit of the Breeze LON
Star Boy MRD-E
Stray Lambs IOC
Susa Soldier LOD 1st
Talisman of Trap Sealing AST 1st
The Agent of Wisdom - Mercury AST 1st
The Shallow Grave PSV
Thousand Energy AST 1st
Transcendent Wings CRV-EN 1st
Trap Hole DB1-EN
Tribe-Infecting Virus DR1-EN
Ultra Evolution Pill IOC
VWXYZ-Dragon Catapult Cannon DP2-EN
Wandering Mummy PGD 1st
Winged Sage Falcos PGD 1st
Witch of the Black Forest MRD-E
Witch of the Black Forest MRD-E 1st
Witch’s Apprentice MRD-E

I have a lot just ask!

Lava Golem SDM-014
Magic Shard Excavation SDM-021 2x
Unholy Calamity SDM-031
Shrink SK2-020
XYZ-Dragon Cannon SKE-042
Dimension Magic SY2-022
Chaos Emperor Dragon – Envoy of the End BPT-J02
Dark Paladin SY2-001
Fushioh Richie DL5-115
Toon Summoned Skull DL1-057
I have a lot more commons just ask!

Metroid Prime - Hunters (NDS Demo)
Pocket Scale (Max: 100gr.. 0,01gr precision) (OUTGOING!)
Project Rub (NDS)
Starter Deck Kaiba (European English Print and sealed!)
Super Mario 64 DS
Yu-Gi-Oh! – 7 Trials to Glory (GBA) (without cards)

Regional mat (new art)
Regional mat (old art)
Sweet. Well you followed the layout perfectly so lets see if theres anything I want.

Keep it simple. a super heavy storm. My list is in my sig still i think. t might not be up to date ask and I'll tell ya if i still got it or not.
Sweet. Well you followed the layout perfectly so lets see if theres anything I want.

Keep it simple. a super heavy storm. My list is in my sig still i think. t might not be up to date ask and I'll tell ya if i still got it or not.

I want:
Monster Reborn ultra
Yeah gotta remove that from the list. With it actually being allowed now i cant part with my MR. See anything else ya like?
I'm interested in the Promo Kuriboh and the Gearfried the Iron Knight DB1 (Named: Kuriboh). I have cash or you can check my list in my sig.
Prime material dragon?

banisher of the radiance (x2)
Kycoo the ghost destroyer(x2)
fissure(may not be perfect condition though)
drillroid(super rare)
