game review: grand theft auto san andreas

i am cao pi

you gotta duel on
alright i thought that seeing as we have game forums why not have game reviews.
my system of grading is a 5 point system that i calculate.

alright on to my rant

title:grand theft auto san andreas
esrb rating:a-o
genre:sand box action

first this game is not for the weak of heart or pta moms. alright my first thing i will talk about is the story , the story is not as bad previous games in the series. don't get me wrong the plots were great but they always centered around controlling things or killing alot of people, this story has moral if a gta game can have it. you play as cj[carl johnson] who's mother just got murdered in a gang accident he returns to los santos to be at the burial, but it goes bad he finds out later that certein person you thought of a friend killed your mother and your out to take him down and his drug empire with him. along the way you run into a great deal of caracters that are very funny like catalina[yes the same catalina you kill in gta3, also the nameless guy makes an appearance] threatens to kill you every mission you do for her.alright now for the gameplay. the gameplay has drasticly improved let's count the improvements
1. better targeting system
2. you can fire with a second fire button
3 co-op play
4. manual aiming
5. you can upgrade your weapon skills or specialize in a weapon. can customize cj!!!!!!!!!!!!
now for the extras
you know have many things to do even when you get 100% like play pool,or pimp your ride,or go gamble.
my rating for gta san andreas is 5/5.
And unlocking Hot Coffee has gotta be the funnest experience in gaming... I'm a big gamer if people didn't realize, so of course I'll be at home here as well. GTA: SA is a really good game, the rave reviews don't lie.

But yeah, no need for anymore reviews on the game, if you're going to review a game, review something a little more new, don't review a game that's been out almost a year now and the only reason it's back in the spotlight is because of the "Hot Coffee" mod controversy.
dont want to make you guys feel bad or what ever. but this game has just got its rated revoked from M to A.

Rockstar games might get sued for the nonsense too.

of course us gamers know that the noughty scene was placed there on purpose but not as a hidden item, its something thats been GTA3 and above.

so... playas, just remember if you got your copy and your a minor then lucky you. if you didnt now you wont be able to because all stores have pulled it off of their shelfs.
Yeah, I know, that's what I'm referring to when I'm talking about the "Hot Coffee" controversy, that's the name of the mod that a hacker created with content that was in the game.

cao pi knows that as well since he listed it's rating as "a-o" which means "Adults Only". It's being pulled from shelves at most retailers and Rock Star should be in the middle of making replacements that has the coding removed that was the "Hot Coffee" mini game.

For anyone who doesn't know, the "Hot Coffee" mod is a mini game that was locked deep within the game itself. It was originally discovered in the PC version of the game (since that was easier for a hacker to hack into) when a hacker hacked into the game to mess with the code a little bit and make a few mods. The code was originally part of the game, but was something that Rock Star decided to drop when the game was in the middle of production. They decided to make the content locked in the game and not unlockable and figured it'd never be discovered, well, they were wrong, a hacker discovered the content and made it known to the world, word passed fast and people started looking into the PS2 version and that was soon hacked as well and it was found in there, which proved that it was part of the code in the game in every single copy that was out there.

With this news the ESRB changed it's rating from Mature to Adult because the "Hot Coffee" mini-game is a sex game of sorts, where you actually see CJ and another woman having intercourse, there's nudity and obviously sexual content. It's named the "Hot Coffee" mod because before you play the mini-game, the girl you're with at the time will ask you for some "Hot Coffee" and that leads to the game.

Yeah, that's the story behind it all. It's got Hillary Clinton up in arms right now as she's attacking the video game industry over it all. I haven't seen politicians this up in arms about a video game since Mortal Kombat and we all know (well gamers at least) that that ended with the creation of the ERSB so that games could have ratings.
i like megaman.. I bought the aniversary collection wich btw, is the most hardest of the original megaman series i had ever played.

i still get killed like crazy playing Megaman 3 and that was the hardest game i had at the time NES came out. you know what else is kool but not kool is the fact they fixed alot of the original bugs, the DOWN + A or B button held on a Secondary controller made it so much easier to pass the game, now it no longer exists. but that is for another review not GTA.

but ya, i didnt know it went through a series of events that lead to the pulling of GTA, its funny how it took this long in order to make a deal out of it.

also, how many other A-O games are there?

i think this is the 2nd my bro says the 3rd.
well from what i heard which is comfirmed this is just a temp pull and you can just get it from sites that don't want to do the pull. it is comfirmed that rockstar is making a 'cleaner' of the game and should be out in a couple of weeks. also kkpsx i have the new rating on the esrb rating part. also my question to you guys is this should i do more of these?
well people on here viewing it will just be "OMG A-O" and imiditally think naughty Naughty, but so everybody can see it originally had a different rating and the reason why it just got it.

all the Cleaner M version will do is take out that part of the game indefenetly. its all.

i really dont care, just state the facts and make sure its kool with the peeps so it dont get wasted in the eternal pit of the internet.
To my knowledge there is no other Adults Only rated game, I remember PSM (or mabye US PlayStation Magazine... one of the mags I had a subscription to in the past) had an article that ended up being an April Fool's Day joke from them that was a review on what they said was the "First Ever" Adults Only rated game, it involved a nude woman as the character basically, it was pretty funny to hear about the comments they recieved from the review, this was also quite a few years ago (maybe 3 years ago at the longest...) and since then Playboy The Mansion has come out as well as a few other sim-like games that have involved some sexual aspect to them, but I don't believe they were bad enough to warrant an Adults Only rating and got a Mature rating instead.

You want a true Mature game, play Katamari Demaci... yeah... I know, your'e thinking "That Mature?" Yeah, just think about it... that game is by far the trippiest thing to ever hit American shores from Japan... and it was a hit for a reason, ;). I can't wait for Katamri Demaci 2....
well rich people sure different anywho does anyone remember thrill kill? also i've decided what my next review will be, it will be on dark cloud 2! it suprises me that they don't have a team for the different consoles to have reviews like the cotd team. oh yeah kkpsx thanks for spreading the idea.
ESRB has given 19 games an Adult Only rating.

Only 2 of those did not have "strong sexual content." (Peak entertainment Casinos received an Adult Only for gambling. The playboy game received it for "Mature Sexual Themes")
Yeah but all those games are most recent, I don't follow ratings anymore since that rule doesn't apply to me anymore since I'm now over 18, but just a couple of years ago it did apply to me so I would check the rating on every game when it came out before I went to Wal-Mart or wherever to buy it. If I needed someone else to purchase it for me, I could get that done ahead of time if I knew the rating, but like I said, now, it doesn't matter anymore.

Although most of the time the only games I bought that I couldn't buy myself (Yeah work with me here, I know technically that sentence doesn't make any sense) were basically Resident Evil games, anything else I played normally had at least a Teen rating (fighting games, other Action Adventure games, etc).

Anyways, I don't see the point in people complaining about the GTA thing, I mean, I get it, but the rating has been changed, the game was not a standard unlockable, meaning it was not part of the game. You'd be surprised what hidden code you an find in any game really sometimes, this just happened to be a little too much for people I suppose. The ratings system is good, it's similar in the MPAA in many ways. The problem isn't the fact that kids are getting these Mature rated games, it's the fact that stores are selling them to them.

Retail stores really need to work the game industry like they do the movie industry. If it's rated R they don't need to sell it to a minor. Yeah, most kids will just get their parents to buy it for them, well, that's the parents fault then, I actually am for parents allowing their kids to view such material. I feel it opens up the mind of a youngster a lot more then cuddling them away from everything. The quicker they know the horror of the real world, the better prepared they can be when they make it into it. For instance, take myself, I'm only 19 years old, but if you had never known that you probably would think I was at least 30 with the way I carry myself around, the fact that I am more mature then most adults could dream of. I hold all that to the fact that I was exposed to mature content at a young kid, I'm not saying that kids should watch porn, but don't be so scared to let your kid watch a horror movie like Nightmare on Elm Street, or maybe play a mature rated fight game or something. As long as you can still bestow strong moral values in them at the same time, the result can be magnificent.

But I guess there's no appeasing certain people in America. No matter what statistics actually show, no matter what the truth really is, certain people will always think that they're right and that they're never wrong and there will always be idiots who are willing to follow in their footsteps.

This is like the PTC (Parent Television Council) all over again, they were all big and bad about regulating content on Television until they found out that one of the head guys there was a total hypocrite, the PTC almost imploded. The guy actually used to write speeches for Joseph McCarthy who was one of the most notorious men in the 50's, running around blaming everyone for being a communist and expanding the red scare even more. He even accused the stinking army of being communist... I don't know how you do that... but ok... so yeah, the guy who is/was (not sure if he still is, haven't followed it in years) the head of the PTC was the same guy who wrote the speeches for the guy who caused the red scare, you ever wonder how many of those speeches that McCarthy gave about people being communist (with no evidence or proof) were actually just him reading this guy's speech and not his own personal thoughts.

All right, that's the end of my rant, people are idiots, people are hypocrites, and people just need to lighten up, smarten up, and take a look at things from a different perspective, rather then say what you THINK could happen, say what is ACTUALLY happening.

actually i knew you were younger than me....


but yea, people complain because they have nothing else important to do in life.

really, you hear the title of the game and it doesnt give you a hint that it will be an aggresive game. Grand Theft Auto : San Andreas. dude, Grand Theft Auto is when you steal a car.

how do you not know the game will go off the line at one point or the other.

oh well.. goes to show some parents are really blind. (i dont mean literally, it would be sad if a parent was blind, how would they raise their kids???? :()
Ok, I heard this 'hot coffee' cheat was only in the Xbox version of the game. That's what I get for listening to the most notorious liar that I have ever met (even though he is one of my best friends). This IS the same guy who said Blue Eyes ultimate dragon was the CONFIRMED SJC prize card for Indy, Atlanta, and Chicago. We all know how true that is now, don't we?

Anyways, maybe someone could PM me on how to hack it? Something I just would like to see myself.

And what the heck is Katamari Demaci? Could you possibly provide a link, or would I know this game better by some other North American release name?
Is Katamari Demichi the same thing as the PS2 We Love Katamari?

Haven't played it, but it was a nominee for Spike TV's most addictive video game of the year.