H-P-D-Lockdown (secondary)


New Member
Matt A.K.A. Lepercan420

1 [Destiny Hero - Dasher]
2 [Destiny Hero - Plasma]
2 [Horus the Black Flame Dragon LV6]
2 [Horus the Black Flame Dragon LV8]
2 [Destiny Hero - Diamond Dude]
1 [Elemental Hero Stratos]
2 [Exiled Force]
3 [Hydrogeddon]
1 [Marshmallon]
1 [Morphing Jar]
2 [Phantom of Chaos]
1 [Sangan]

1 [Allure of Darkness]
1 [Card Destruction]
1 [Enemy Controller]
1 [Foolish Burial]
1 [Heavy Storm]
1 [Lightning Vortex]
1 [Magical Mallet]
1 [Monster Gate]
1 [Monster Reborn]
2 [Pot of Avarice]
1 [Reasoning]
2 [Reinforcement of the Army]
1 [Scapegoat]
1 [Shrink]
2 [Trade-In]

1 [Mirror Force]
1 [Phoenix Wing Wind Blast]
2 [Royal Decree]

Side Deck
1 [Enemy Controller]
1 [Foolish Burial]
2 [Hand Destruction]
1 [Jinzo]
1 [Mystical Space Typhoon]
1 [Neo-Spacian Grand Mole]
1 [Nobleman of Crossout]
1 [Royal Decree]
1 [Sakuretsu Armor]
1 [Shrink]
1 [Smashing Ground]
1 [Snipe Hunter]
1 [Swords of Revealing Light]
1 [Ultimate Offering]
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i am going to try and turn this deck into more of a turbo deck

i am going to try and get

1 dmoc
3 reasoning
3 monster gate
3 trade-in
and if i am lucky..... 3 d-draw..... i doubt this would happen tho.. i cant afford them and no one around my area will trade them

and i am going to use 2 diamond dude, and some phantom of chaos