Kingdom Hearts 2


New Member
Ok, It's a about a month since it's release. So I thought I would see how everyone here is doing in the game, and how many times everyone has beat it, or if you beaten it yet--- And the one big question... have you conquered Sephiroth yet? and if so what Difficulty level?

I have beaten the game once, on Standard, but then decided that I wanted every item in the game...I collected them all and finally at Lvl 75 conquered Sephiroth, on Standard.... 90% on Jimmy's Journal...

I am going to start on Proud mode tonight--- I wanna see that Secret ending!!!

If you are stuck somewhere, I or one of the other KH2 junkies probably can help you.
I'm working on a 100% Standard mode.

Kind of regretting it. Since Standard mode has been super easy for me so far.

If I had played on Proud mode, I'd have beaten it by now.

I've done just about everything, just collecting Syth materials and playing mini-games.
AtrusOfKrondor said:
Ok, It's a about a month since it's release. So I thought I would see how everyone here is doing in the game, and how many times everyone has beat it, or if you beaten it yet--- And the one big question... have you conquered Sephiroth yet? and if so what Difficulty level?

I have beaten the game once, on Standard, but then decided that I wanted every item in the game...I collected them all and finally at Lvl 75 conquered Sephiroth, on Standard.... 90% on Jimmy's Journal...

I am going to start on Proud mode tonight--- I wanna see that Secret ending!!!

If you are stuck somewhere, I or one of the other KH2 junkies probably can help you.

just for a heads up you know you don't need to beat it on proud mode just to get the secret ending, you could just complete jiminy's journal in standard mode to see it...whatevers easiest for you i guess..*shrugs* either way works...

heh i got it late compared to my friends...i COULD BEAT IT NOW if i wanted coz i did UBER LEVELING UP and now im lv 66 and have the ultima weapon at the world that never was....but i wanna complete the journal, level up all my forms and kick sephiroths one winged angel butt..I WILL HAVE MY REVENGE ON LANCE BASS....(if he still voices him..)

if anyone needs help on sephirtoh, like atrus of krondor sed, just ask and me or some other kingdom heart junkie can give you some tips...
Inuyasha_Riku said:
just for a heads up you know you don't need to beat it on proud mode just to get the secret ending, you could just complete jiminy's journal in standard mode to see it...whatevers easiest for you i guess..*shrugs* either way works...

I WILL HAVE MY REVENGE ON LANCE BASS....(if he still voices him..)

I know that you can get it on Standard w/ the Complete journal, but that would take ages, at least for the few things I have left to do- Leveling summons(I hate those things), to get the Hades Paradox cup-
However, Proud mode seems like a challange-

And Sephiroth is not voiced by Lance Bass anymore, thank goodness- LOL......If I am remembering the Credits correctly...
I just picked it up today with a new playstation console. My other one stopped working 2 months ago. I bought it on release day so can't complain.
Here is a trick for leveling summons and forms quickly. I did all this at the point to where you can finish the game: Final, wisdom, and valor i did at the world that never was save point before proof of existance, Master and summons i did at hallowen town yule tide hill. K got to where ever with the forms when you get near the enemies activate it and do the requirements to level and before your form or summon runs out get to a save point and go to the world map, and then reenter and you drive will be full. Also this leveled me. An extra note for summons at yule tide hill before you leave the hill i would summon genie, and switch him to final and then go out to enemies to run his summon out quicker. I hope that made since if not i could try again.
Dragon Reaver said:
Here is a trick for leveling summons and forms quickly. I did all this at the point to where you can finish the game: Final, wisdom, and valor i did at the world that never was save point before proof of existance, Master and summons i did at hallowen town yule tide hill. K got to where ever with the forms when you get near the enemies activate it and do the requirements to level and before your form or summon runs out get to a save point and go to the world map, and then reenter and you drive will be full. Also this leveled me. An extra note for summons at yule tide hill before you leave the hill i would summon genie, and switch him to final and then go out to enemies to run his summon out quicker. I hope that made since if not i could try again.

Yeah, mostly the trick there would be.

If you go to the world map while you have a summon out. Or you are in any form. Your drive gauge will be at MAX.

I leveled up my Valor and Master forms are Hollow Bastion (Radiant Garden.) Because the enemies there take quite a few hits to take out and they drop a lot of drive balls. Beast's Castle is also a good place for those two.

As for Wisdom, the Alley to Between in The World That Never Was. There's lots of Shadows there. But don't do the shooting jazz the whole time. Thunder works best.

Leveling up Final was fairly easy for me. It's also in the World That Never Was. But I forget which room. It's the one with all the weird doors. Do through the door that isn't weird (a walkway type thing) and keep running through the world, there's lots of nobodies. ABUSE thunder. It really helps.

Sorry if I spoiled anything. ;)

Summons are easiest, I just sit there.
for leveling up master form imo the best place is to go to the land of dragons and just blow up those carts that have drive orbs...they respawn each time you enter and reenter so if u have a long drive gauge on ur master, its pretty easy to level it up....
Yeah, Master @ TLoD was easy- Wisdom was simple at Mickey's castle, in Timeless River(theres like 30 heartless in one run)-- Final I raised in Twilight Town, Computer Lab, basically ran through the Mansion, and got like 20-25 Nobodies in a run)-- Valor, I raised in the Tower at Twilight Town-

Just another question for everybody- What level did you finish Roxas' intro at? I was Lvl 4 or 5 in Standard, in Proud I finished it at Lvl 11-
AtrusOfKrondor said:
Yeah, Master @ TLoD was easy- Wisdom was simple at Mickey's castle, in Timeless River(theres like 30 heartless in one run)-- Final I raised in Twilight Town, Computer Lab, basically ran through the Mansion, and got like 20-25 Nobodies in a run)-- Valor, I raised in the Tower at Twilight Town-

Just another question for everybody- What level did you finish Roxas' intro at? I was Lvl 4 or 5 in Standard, in Proud I finished it at Lvl 11-

I thought TLoD was good too, but it just didn't give enough.
hey ive been leveling up all my forms and all of them are max except for VALOR....anyone know where a good place to level that up is???

another question i had is...ive seen screenshots of ppl who had 8 DRIVE GAUGES when they were just regular do you get 8 drive gauges...i know you get 7 AFTER you beat sephiroth but how do u get 8?