Need Help on an Exodia Deck


New Member
Well so far I have all the peices of Exodia and 2 Emissary of the After Life, and I would think Reload and Compusory Evacuation Device. I have searched and not seen any Exodia Deck lists with the new ban list. Exodia just may be possible again so any ideas from you evil deck builders is way welcome. Oh and remember think evily we wanna make people wanna blow their tops! Only evil deck builder need apply.
Put in a Toon Cannon Solider. You can grab it off of the last Toon Table to Contents, can it can be used to kill you searchers is you opponet won't do it for you.
If this helps, this was one I was trying out, and have subsequently updated for the new ban list:

Monsters (18)

Airknight Parshath x1
Exodia the Forbidden One x1
Left Arm of the Forbidden One x1
Right Arm of the Forbidden One x1
Left Leg of the Forbidden One x1
Right Leg of the Forbidden One x1
Dark Mimic LV3 x2
Dark Mimic LV1 x2
Sangan x1
Mystic Tomato x2
Thunder Dragon x3
Tsukuyomi x1
Finally, either:
Toon Masked Sorcerer or Toon Cannon Soldier

Spells (16)

Book of Moon x1
Heavy Storm x1
Dark Factory of Mass Production x2
Monster Reincarnation x2
Level Limit - Area B x2
MST x1
Toon Table of Contents x3
Upstart Goblin x3
Swords of Revealing Light x1

Traps (6)

Jar of Greed x3
Backup solider x2
Last trap is your choice, I went with a Torrential Tribute (though Call of the Haunted may be better)

By all means, not sure how fast that'd work, but it can't be too bad.

Of course, if you wanted, you could always try the ol' "Manticore of Darkness" Exodia deck. I did come up with an idea for it, and I guess this is it:

Monsters (17)

Manticore of Darkness x2
Exodia the Forbidden One x1
Left Arm of the Forbidden One x1
Right Arm of the Forbidden One x1
Left Leg of the Forbidden One x1
Right Leg of the Forbidden One x1
Sangan x1
Mystic Tomato x2
Thunder Dragon x3
Giant Germ x3
Toon Cannon Soldier x1

Spells (17)

Heavy Storm x1
Monster Reincarnation x2
Level Limit - Area B x2
MST x1
Toon Table of Contents x3
Upstart Goblin x3
Swords of Revealing Light x1
Tribute to The Doomed x2
Card of Safe Return x2

Traps (6)

Torrential Tribute x1
Gravity Bind x1 (or Bottomless Trap Hole x1 or Sakuretsu Armor x1, the choice is really yours)
Jar of Greed x3
Call of the Haunted x1

Backup Soldier would do well in the side deck of this one, as would Book of Moon

So, hopefully that helps out a bit. Definitely not the best Exodia decks ever, but both have worked quite well for me (considering the difficulty of using an Exodia deck)

EDIT: Just realised I copied and pasted the wrong traps for the 2nd the 2 Backup Soldiers aren't ALL that necessary for this one, proper ones (my version) added. Not to mention, a spell or two being unnecessary.
Here's a little secret I've found to my Exodia deck. Speed is quite helpful, but searching is even more powerful to getting Exodia in hand.

Consider the following:
Summon Emissary, Use Metamorphosis to morph it into Karbola Warrior or whatever that 4 star is. Search for a piece. Next, Use Puppet Magic of Dark Ruler to RFP the Karbola Warrior and bring back Emissary for a repeat. Or heck, if Emissary was summoned previous turn, then tribute it for Airknight or something.

Think about it...the fiends have corrupted the forbidden 8^D