blade146 said:
This card was a card I look at everytime a new set came out. With Fiddler and other free cost characters you could gain so much endurance that you couldn't lose even on time. Turn 7-8 drop Captain and win the game. Bascially the reason for getting rid of the card was it made other cards with endurance payments to good. You were basically playing them for free.
and how could that be bad?
how i see it is that the Tournament Metagame outdid R&D's Meta Game.
after months of reading R&D articles and so forth i came to the conclusion that R&D has a completly different perspective that players in the tournament group have since R&D cant play in Tournament and stuff all they run by is what they do in them selves.
so what happens? they think of some really kool combos and so forth and dont realize "Hey the outside Meta is playing for money... were only playing with the set were making... there is a problem!"
so preaty much UDE did the one mistake that all R&D's make and that is not taking not of their legacy cards. If when they make a set they take note on what happend last set and future sets then maybe they wouldnt need a ban list.
heck if anybody play Magic you would know that Jitte wasnt banned and that it was a hell of a card in Standard format, not to mention it was a pre-constructed, but in October the block in which it is in is moving out so in standard itll be no more.
now how bad is that?? that you get a really powerfull card in a Pre-con and it never gets hurt. it becuase there are answer.
but like i stated about R&D they just didnt do the research to realize hey! this card is very good we need to make sure we dont give it more food, or Find a way to kill it with out banning it.