Off meta can't win?

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John Danker

A shout out to my friend Feroze Ramcharan, a fellow L3 judge who had the audacity to play something "off meta" and still would up at the top 8 in the L.A. Shonen Jump.

Feroze actually was 2nd in the final standings before being beaten in the first round of the top 8.

It goes to show that while it's not EASY to play something off the beaten path and win at a big tournament it CAN be done. I must say though, Feroze is an exceptional player and talented deck builder with a very keen eye for the quick kill.

When you get a chance check out his deck list. You'll find some surprising and unsual cards in his deck. Protector of the Sancturary? Leave it to Feroze!

Well done my friend....well done.
the deck is anti-deck, its not hard to see it at a top 8, considering he had all counters to any situation he would face.

why else would anybody run Protector of the Sanctuary? we all know Morphing Jar is seeing some play.

thats its anti, not to mention the quickest way to kill an opponents hand with out losing lp.

then you got the 5k fusion madness, thats actually the fastest way to summon out the biggest fusion hitters in the game.

its original, but not odd that he wouldnt reach such a high rank.

now you tell me he had a Harpy Girl deck and made it up there, then id be like WOAH!, thats amazing.

much respect though.
Oh come on <laffin> Tell me who else you've seen run a deck this different than the rest and come out in the top 8. Nobody else has the audacity combined with ability to do so. Show me another deck so different than the rest in the top 8 of another Shonen Jump championship and I conceed your point as well taken.....until then I stand my ground.
you can stand your ground all you wish sir.

but over all, you and I know its precise in using all counters for any possible situation.

i belive i saw 2x Cyber Dragon, I would wonder why thouse are use? against swarm of course.

and so forth, skill is half the battle in a counter deck. the rest is hoping you got the exact counter in your hand to use.
In other words, you can't find a deck as different from the others in the top 8 in another SJC as this one?

You're right about "Hoping" you have the right counter at the right time, that's why I admired him taking the risk on a deck that isn't typical of the rest. Few would have any idea of even how to run this deck well.
Hmmm... Why am I not astounded? Frankly, I've been running decks like this for quite some time now. Don't get me wrong, I'm glad to hear he placed up there with this contraption, but I wouldn't say it's completely original. Cards like Last Will, Magic Cylinder, mystic wok, Limiter Removal, and ESPECIALLY Nimble Momonga have been flying around in my decks for almost 10 months now. At least in proxy form.

Really, I AM impressed. Just not blown away,

Good job!

The last time I saw a deck so different from the others at a major event was Mike Rosenburg's "Tsuku-Lock" Deck. It takes so much determination, testing and a good amount of skill/knowledge to be able to come up with a deck like this AND face off the competition to top 8 at a major event...perhaps one of the hardest events when you consider the competition.
pssvr said:
Hmmm... Why am I not astounded? Frankly, I've been running decks like this for quite some time now. Don't get me wrong, I'm glad to hear he placed up there with this contraption, but I wouldn't say it's completely original. Cards like Last Will, Magic Cylinder, mystic wok, Limiter Removal, and ESPECIALLY Nimble Momonga have been flying around in my decks for almost 10 months now. At least in proxy form.

Really, I AM impressed. Just not blown away,


Well of course it's not TRULY original. The only time something is really truly original. It usually takes about 6 hrs. after a new set is announced for every deck theme and possible combo to be "though of"

It reminds me of the first time Evan Vargas ran Soul Control and a flood of people came along saying that his deck wasn't original and that they'd been running it for months. Well, I'm sure they had been, my point was that no one until that point had the audacity and guts to put the deck in a major tournament and finish well with it.

Most all decks have been thought of with a couple of card variance. What impresses me is when someone takes a deck that few or no others have attempted to play in a major tournament and finish well with it.
Some of us try. The problem is to have a deck that deals well with other people decks as well as being different in itself.

I'm aiming to have something a little less usual at the next des moines regional. How it will come out remains to be seen, but at least it will be not the same as everyone elses.
well, i never said i wont be able to find one day. For 1 thing, since he will be the key highlight deck of the month, you can expect more suicidal decks come along.

impressive yes, but not too long from now you will see similar decks fly around. really if i wanted to trully be suicidal i would run 2x Elemental Hero Avian and 3x of its counter trap with 2x Reinforcement of the Army, a bit of Mask of Darkness.

and my opponent wont be able to play spell and traps unless I run out of the trap.

the guy of course has tallent. It does take nerve to go up against the normal and beat it up OF COURSE this is possible if you know completly that you can take it out.

my solitare the movie deck for example, if we think about it its just a fun deck. right? but it can anahilate chaos, if not for the rest of the guys that pitched in their $.50, it wouldnt have ended up the way it did and score me a tourney win. I played agaisnt the most common thing out there. then a week later some body had made a counter part specifically for my deck.

Itll happen again in this way, if his deck trully causes a shake in the meta, which to me looks like 95% chance that it will. Then you can expect somebody out there to work just as hard to make a counter part to it. Then since that deck will have both the knowledge of his deck plus the knowledge to beat it, then it will then be the Deck of the Month.

itll be an endless cycle.

but at it thouse point all that matters is he got a spot. :)
Knowing Feroze it's as important to him that he got the spot with something different. I've never seen Feroze follow the shepard, he's always playing something certainly workable but not sim. to what everyone is accustomed to seeing.

He cerainly has the benefit of having a great group of people to test play agaist. Feroze is from Florida, in his area, including himself, there are 3 L3 judges, highest concentration outside of UDE <soft chuckle>
Having someone intelligent and knowledgeable to playtest against makes all the difference. This, I suppose, is the reason why the teams often do quite well.
Having people you can try these oddball decks on and just play game after game after game gradually refining ones concepts and skills, adding and removing different cards to check synergy and effectiveness.

Personally I find that this helps me a lot. Also, switching decks so that you are playing against your own deck really shows you the problems/bonuses that your deck has.

Of course, being able to build a good deck also helps ;)
english chef said:
Having someone intelligent and knowledgeable to playtest against makes all the difference. This, I suppose, is the reason why the teams often do quite well.
Having people you can try these oddball decks on and just play game after game after game gradually refining ones concepts and skills, adding and removing different cards to check synergy and effectiveness.

Personally I find that this helps me a lot. Also, switching decks so that you are playing against your own deck really shows you the problems/bonuses that your deck has.

Of course, being able to build a good deck also helps ;)
defently man.

and your right, mr. danker. he gots a good group me behind him.:D
Hi all !!!

I'm just killing time waiting for my shuttle service to arrive to bring me to the Orange County airport.

Yeah, Feroze's deck was nuts. Him and I were up real early on Saturday, and we were like, "You know what, screw this. Let's play what we wanted to play."

He threw in Protector of the Sanctuary and Seven Tools of the Bandit at the last minute. The funny thing was, after his first loss (which was I think on round 2 or 3; can't remember), he was going to play another round and then drop. But then he kept winning haha.

The man pulled off some insane chains...the best one was when his opponent tribute summoned Mobius the Frost Monarch, Feroze chained Divine Wrath, so the opponent chained Solemn Judgment, and Feroze chained that with Seven Tools of the Bandit.

It's a shame he didn't get further into the Top 8, but that's the way how the game goes. He was happy to get the Nintendo DS and grateful he did so well.

The bottom line really is just have fun.

BTW, John Danker, it wasn't the same without you there bud.

OK, I gotta go now; damn, I hope I get to sit next to an attractive woman for once on a flight...sheesh.

Take care all !!
<laffin and laffin> I'm sure it will be the guy with the smokey jacket who falls asleep snoring and puts his head on your shoulder Simon!

It sounds like you had a very interesting deck yourself! I'm sure that a great many were really caught off guard by it as well!
Um, I don't mean to tell anyone they're wrong here, but in the St. Louis regionals (yeah, nowhere as big as SJC but still, an important tourney for us), a deck similar to this went 7-0 into top 8 and then the curse of the 7-0 took over. It was more cyberstein based and less anti based, but still very similar. he played mystic wok and lots of other stuff in this deck too. The deck that actually won played Roulette Barrel.........yeah. It was a good deck, but Roulette Barrel? I was a judge and I couldn't believe that the 2 times in top 8 he used it he rolled the numbers he needed (3 was the number he needed both times, reapers).

national invites in St. Louis this weekend went to (you might recognize some of these names or you might not)

Thomas Warren -- team Betrayal
Danny Magnin -- team Icon
Leslie Fredrich -- team Icon
Paul Suchey -- ????????

congrats to them all
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