New Member
WhaT Pcq was it???? state???
DaAmazing1 said:That's tears it I'm going to NC...
Grippingrain20 said:You whine about large PCQ's. If you had any skill, you wouldn't have a problem with large tourneys. How will ATL be, prob 300? Won't be so amazing down there, will ya?
DaAmazing1 said:A couple of lucky wins and talking trash.... Last I checked you got your ten points using a deck I was nice enough to let you use, plus there was only like 6 people in that PCQ, don't toss stones if you live in a glass house... sucka..
TheBlackSuperNinja said:hey just because I finished 2nd to last and fat boy make more money is no reason to make fun of me.... wait it is..i'm such a loser
Grippingrain20 said:Yeah, you may be a loser, but I live in a glass house. You know what its like trying to take a shower with all of nature starring at your tiny little pecker???
TheBlackSuperNinja said:I think this is going to be interesting PC.... so many decks so much potenial! 10 days away and i still don't know what i'm running HELP!
exiledforcefreak said:Titans is the best deck. If you know how to play with it then you should.