New Member
Does anyone think it's unfair to build teams in V.S. I myself am part of a "team"(we don't have a name and only 4 members) but I can see how someone can feel that they are at a disadvantage when they go by themselves to a pcq. The reason why that person feels like they are at a disadvantage is because they are!!!!!!!!!!! LOL. But back to the subject. The lone tournament "go-er" can feel like the odds are stacked up against them, but that's not the case. There are many pros and cons going to a pcq by urself or in a team. If u're out there trying to win every pcq... then having a team member can hurt. Then you have to also think... every person has to be good on the team.... which is hella hard to accomplish. Also if a team pushes one of their weaker members to the top it's easy for the lone go-er to take them out. But me personally I'm in it for the big cash. i'll take loses so my other teammates are able to cash out too. Now if I could get the 4th member to carry their weight and make my loses worth something!!! LOL.