Quick Question


New Member
My Opponent declares he wishes to use 3 Drop Doc Light's effect. May I respond with Mystical Per exhausting Dr.Doom as well as light before he can return Kyle Rayner 2 Drop to the field?
I don't believe so, because exhausting Dr. Light is a cost of activating him, but if Mike or someone could confirm/deny this, you'll get a more solid answer.

I think you can, but i think you cant. Because usually anytime i wish to do something people tend to be like " In responce" or "Before" etc.. etc..

its annoying.
You will not be able to stop it.

Once you target Dr. Light to exhaust by effect, the other player will receive priority and can activate his effect before your effect will resolve (and as previously stated, in activating, he will exhaust as a cost). Can't exhaust him before he gets his effect in the chain. You'd have to find a way to negate payment powers to keep him from using his effect.
Just like Yu-Gi-Oh! costs are paid before the effect they pay for is placed on the chain. Doc's already exhausted by the time the effect can be chained to.
the best way to get away with exhausting Dr. Light so that he can't use his effect is to do it before it's your opponents recuit step. Since he can only use Dr. Lights effect during his recuit step.
awww, Amazing why are you using the same avatar as I am?

i wanted to be scary ad psycho for hollyween. :(

now i have to change it.

i know i know, this is spam with out the eggs and cheese.

im also hurt by the fact that people cheat me out when i try to use effects :(
Actually, you are using the same avatar as me... lol...

I was using it since I add the Hecatomb avatars:king:
darn you amazin1.

hey i was gonna ask you, could you add some ravnica avatars?

or some of the other Hecatomb avatars, mostly the Ben Templesmith art?

i think Night child is one of the cards he illustrated.
Ooo, i can make them? sweet, then ill get some ravnica cards and size them down.

the card images are online at Wizards of the coast website, but if you need the 100x100 or the size ya need, ill make them :D