RIP Jacob KT 2/16/06
The deck: WAFFles
x1 Haywire (MHG)
x1 Jaime Reyes
x1 Mr. Mxy
x1 Quagmire
x4 Ape-x
x4 Black Cat(MTU)
x4 Poison Ivy
x3 Kiman
x1 Valentina Vostok
x1 Rose Wilson(5)
x1 Thanos(6)
x1 Dormammu
x1 The Void
x1 Galactus
x4 Enemy of my Enemy
x3 A Proud Zinco Product
x3 Sorcerer's Treasure
x2 Trial By Jury
x4 Straight to the Grave
x4 What Are Friend For?
x1 31st Century Metropolis
x2 Empire State University
x2 New Baxter Building
x4 Slaughter Swamp
x1 Soul World
x4 Ego Gem
x1 Mind Gem
The name is derived from the initials of the card that inspired the deck, What are Friends for? Add "les" to those initials and you have the name WAFFles. This, along with Dormammu, was Darrius Sutherland's idea.
The matchups:
-Round one: Checkmate/JSA+tech
Early game: Pitches Captain America (6) to an effect and I cringe with fear
Turn five: I team up Spider Friends with Anti-Matter in response to Rose Wilson targeting my Black Cat. I did this knowing there was more then likely no cards in his deck that Trial by Jury could negate because I figured there was no reason not to.
Turn six: Time is called here, we have this turn and next turn to finish the game. He recruits Nyssa Raatko which I stun when he attacks. He gets Rock of Eternity with Ahmed.
-Turn 7: It's my opponent's initiative. He KO's his Threat Neutralized with Ahmed; I immediately regret flipping my team-up on turn 5 cause Rose Wilson, coupled with A Proud Zinco Product to KO Cloak of Nabu, would give me the win right now. He Uses Slaughter Swamp to recur and recruit Captain America; he uses Ahmed to get a 4th Safehouse to team everyone up with avengers. I continue play regardless, recruiting my Dormammu. I catch a break for my earlier misplay, he makes a bigger misplay by forgetting to replace his Rock of Eternity with his 4 drop Terrax. Unable to attack, I make some attacks and we enter the recovery phase 18-21 in his favor. In recovery, I play A proud Zinco Product on his Cloak of Nabu and another on my own Ego gem. I win 22-21.
-Round two:
Can't remember what I played against. I win.
-Round three: Avengers reservist
My opponent recruits Wonderman and stuns my Kiman revealing the full 5 reservists needed from the row. I swing Thanos on She-Hulk knowing that in all likely hood he had a pump"¦ and if he did I lose. He had the pump, so I lost.
-Round four: Kree/Villains United
I'm playing my most favorable match-up, I couldn't be happier"¦ and I got cocky
Turn 4: He plays No Man Escapes the Manhunters on my Kiman; I have Trial By Jury and my team-up in the row. I make the misplay of deciding to negate the No Mercy to follow instead of the No Man Escapes the Manhunters. He swings his last guy into Kiman and plays High Society"¦ he never even had the No Mercy and I kick my self for being ########. I desperately dig for a Quagmire/What are Friends For? By evading Black Cat but fail. The stun happens and Kiman is bounced to my hand.
Turn 5: It's My initiative and I recruit Kiman, Mr. Mxy, and Haywire. I use Kiman to make someone's defense 0 and swing Haywire in that character for the mutual stun. I swing Mr. Mxy into Kona Lor for the mutual stun. The rest is a blur, All I know is that I made very intelligent attacks.
Turn 6: I under drop Valentina Vostok, Ape x, Quagmire, and Haywire. I manage to survive the turn with 1 endurance remaining. He has only Zazzala and Admiral Galen Kor going into turn 7.
Turn 7: I recruit Thanos, Ape x, and Haywire. He Bounces his Admiral with Spire, after which he recruits Dr. Minerva and pulls Captain att-lass with it; he recruits Att-lass and Admeral. He forms Att-lass behind Admeral and Minerva next to Att-lass. Haywire swings on Minerva for the Mutual stun (Valentina giving everyone -3 defense). Thanos swings over to Att-lass, he uses live Kree or Die and Two Hala Activations for the stun back, I use Thanos's free ability; he loses 14 and I lose 6. I swing Kiman onto Admeral for the mutual stun; I take 4 he takes 6. I swing Black Cat, Ape x, and Quagmire to the face for 4. He uses his last trick, No Man Escapes the Manhunters, on my Valentina Vostok, I team-up and Negate it with the very same Trial by Jury I should have used on turn 4. He swings into Ape x for the mutual stun. -5 to -13 in my favor. Very close game, but I win.
-Round five: Harvey Bullock Machine
I'm playing my friend Darrius who is borrowing about 50% of his deck from me. In testing I beat him more often then not, especially that time I negated Deadshot two separate times over the course of one game using Trial by Jury. My deck imploded and I drew horrendously therefore I lost.
-Round six: Checkmate/Villains United
Accidentally switch initiative on turn 6, we resolve it and continue play. I win despite my opponent playing two Knight Armors and my not drawing any Proud Zinco Products.
-Round seven: Franklin control
My draw is a little sub-par but would not have been a problem if my opponent didn't use A Proud Zinco Product on my Ego gem. Going into turn 5 I don't even have Kiman but feel I can recover as long as I KO Captain Amercia (3).
Turn five: I play Rose Wilson, KO my Black Cat to Ivy to get my team-up (my opponent should have chained with his Rose Wilson to KO my Ivy). After it resolves he activates Rose Wilson in order to KO my Ivy, I chain with the team-up"¦ but not with Rose. Because Rose was my only character, I was unable to use her. In the recovery phase I let Rose Wilson die knowing I needed to recur her, and that I needed my opponent to miss next turn.
Turn six: I stupidly play Ape x BEFORE I swamp/recruit Rose Wilson. So of course in response to the recruit effect of Rose Wilson, he uses his Rose Wilson to KO my Ape X. Unable to get a Haywire, I am again rendered unable to use Rose Wilson. I pass my build and he recruits Terrax; I scoop.
In retrospect: with the draw going the way it was, even If I had managed to KO Captain American on turn 5 he probably could have just re-recruited him and I would have been screwed regardless.
I make into top 8 as eighth seed; my 3rd, 5th, 6th, and 7th round opponents had all made top 8. SCORE!!!
Quarterfinals: Syndicate rush
So I play the guy who got a perfect 7-0 record in the swiss portion using a syndicate deck. He wins the die roll and choses the even initiatives.
Turn one: he plays basilisk
Turn two: he plays Vulture and Slyde, I play Black Cat. Basilisk locks down Black Cat and the other characters swing to the face
Turn three: I recruit Ivy and Ape x, he recruits Answer and Lizard. He forms (if memory serves me correctly) Vulture in front of Answer, Lizard in front of Basilisk, and Slyde next to Lizard. I send Ape x into Vulture for the mutual stun, it happens. Answer isn't a perceived threat for the turn, but fearing both a Rabbit Fire or a No Fear on anyone else, I swing Ivy into the now unprotected Answer. He powers up, I power up, I get the stun. It's His attacks and he decides to swing Lizard with a Trial by Fire into Poison Ivy, Before the attack resolves, I KO Ape x to Ivy and get New Baxtar Building which I activate to draw a card (I had recruited Mind Gem onto Ape x); the attack resolves and we trade stuns. He declines to make any further attacks. He recovers Answer, I recover Ivy.
Turn four: He recruits Carnage Boosted and activates Spider Hunt; talk about a nice draw. I recruit Kiman. He pays 1 with Slyde to let his smaller characters hit the hidden area. He attacks Answer into Kiman and uses Answers effect, paying 4, I discard Quagmire and pay with Kiman to stun him. He attacks Basilisk into Black Cat, I flip my Slaughter Swamp to get back Quagmire, then use Quagmire and Kiman to stun him. He swings Slyde into Kiman, I activate Kiman to give him -3 defense then pay with Kiman to stun him. He attacks Carnage into Ivy, I play and resolve 2 What are Friends for? from the hand and pay with Kiman to stun him. I swing back with my Ivy (since black cat was exhausted to Empire State University). He choses to recover Carnage.
Turn five: I recruit Valentina Vostok and Ape x. He recruits Fusion and uses it's effect to KO a resource; he then recruits (if memory serve me correctly) Vulture and Basilisk. He forms with everyone in the front. I swing Ivy into fusion and he takes the stun, I pass my attacks. He attacks with Carnage onto Ape x, I activate Kiman to bring Carnage down to 1 defense for the mutual trade. In recovery he recovers Fusion and I recover Ape x.
Turn six: We enter this turn with the endurance totals 28-14 in my favor. He recruits Razorfist and Vermin (searching out another). I recruit Thanos, use his free ability, activate Valentina Vostok (as usual) and pass. He scoops.
Semi-finals: Franklin control
So my opponent is the same person I played in the final round of swiss; he had just beaten Darrius in the quarterfinals. Both of us had decent draws and it was a much better game then the other one we had. On turn 5 I used Rose Wilson to KO his Captain America.
Turn six: His board is Terrax (6) behind Scarecrow (with 3 counters) and Human Torch (4) behind Franklin Richards in the hidden area. My board is Thanos in front of Black Cat and an activated Valentina Vostok in front of Kiman in the hidden area. He swings Human Torch on Black Cat, I use What are Friends for? and pay 1 with Kiman to stun it. He swings Terrax on Black Cat I play and resolve 2 What or friends for? and pay with Kiman, he chains to Kiman with Terrax's ability, I stupidly stunned Black Cat. The reason I did this is because the defender is usually irrelivent to me as long at the attacker stuns. I could have A) chained by paying with Kiman again or B) stunned Valentina Vostok. I no longer have enough tricks to stun both his guys, and I lose. In all fairness, I don't know If I would have won or not even if I hadn't screwed up. My opponent compliments me on my deck, saying it's a good deck and that I did a good job building it; this makes my day.
In retrospect:
Soul World and Galactus actually did nothing. I would put in a 3rd Trial by Jury because if the field had had more Kree/VU I would have been pushing my luck. As for the other open slot I'm going to have to go with adding a 4th Sorcerer's Treasure back in for now.
Side note:
Even if I had made it to the finals, my opponent would have been my round 3 opponent, hence Wonder Man eats Kiman's face.
-Mike, for giving us a ride at the last minute
-Darrius, for not imploding in a downward spiral of fail like usual
-Myself, for getting to the semi-finals with WAFFles
-The Chinese food
-getting worked up over discrepancy in round 6
-having to wait a round and a half to eat the Chinese food I ordered
-the judge, for ruling incorrectly that you can't chain backup abilities to Hulk's (7) come in to play triggered effect.
-getting a warning for slow play, when all my opponent played slower then myself
-Starting an hour late
-finding out I have a 90 dollar deficit in my checking account
x1 Haywire (MHG)
x1 Jaime Reyes
x1 Mr. Mxy
x1 Quagmire
x4 Ape-x
x4 Black Cat(MTU)
x4 Poison Ivy
x3 Kiman
x1 Valentina Vostok
x1 Rose Wilson(5)
x1 Thanos(6)
x1 Dormammu
x1 The Void
x1 Galactus
x4 Enemy of my Enemy
x3 A Proud Zinco Product
x3 Sorcerer's Treasure
x2 Trial By Jury
x4 Straight to the Grave
x4 What Are Friend For?
x1 31st Century Metropolis
x2 Empire State University
x2 New Baxter Building
x4 Slaughter Swamp
x1 Soul World
x4 Ego Gem
x1 Mind Gem
The name is derived from the initials of the card that inspired the deck, What are Friends for? Add "les" to those initials and you have the name WAFFles. This, along with Dormammu, was Darrius Sutherland's idea.
The matchups:
-Round one: Checkmate/JSA+tech
Early game: Pitches Captain America (6) to an effect and I cringe with fear
Turn five: I team up Spider Friends with Anti-Matter in response to Rose Wilson targeting my Black Cat. I did this knowing there was more then likely no cards in his deck that Trial by Jury could negate because I figured there was no reason not to.
Turn six: Time is called here, we have this turn and next turn to finish the game. He recruits Nyssa Raatko which I stun when he attacks. He gets Rock of Eternity with Ahmed.
-Turn 7: It's my opponent's initiative. He KO's his Threat Neutralized with Ahmed; I immediately regret flipping my team-up on turn 5 cause Rose Wilson, coupled with A Proud Zinco Product to KO Cloak of Nabu, would give me the win right now. He Uses Slaughter Swamp to recur and recruit Captain America; he uses Ahmed to get a 4th Safehouse to team everyone up with avengers. I continue play regardless, recruiting my Dormammu. I catch a break for my earlier misplay, he makes a bigger misplay by forgetting to replace his Rock of Eternity with his 4 drop Terrax. Unable to attack, I make some attacks and we enter the recovery phase 18-21 in his favor. In recovery, I play A proud Zinco Product on his Cloak of Nabu and another on my own Ego gem. I win 22-21.
-Round two:
Can't remember what I played against. I win.
-Round three: Avengers reservist
My opponent recruits Wonderman and stuns my Kiman revealing the full 5 reservists needed from the row. I swing Thanos on She-Hulk knowing that in all likely hood he had a pump"¦ and if he did I lose. He had the pump, so I lost.
-Round four: Kree/Villains United
I'm playing my most favorable match-up, I couldn't be happier"¦ and I got cocky
Turn 4: He plays No Man Escapes the Manhunters on my Kiman; I have Trial By Jury and my team-up in the row. I make the misplay of deciding to negate the No Mercy to follow instead of the No Man Escapes the Manhunters. He swings his last guy into Kiman and plays High Society"¦ he never even had the No Mercy and I kick my self for being ########. I desperately dig for a Quagmire/What are Friends For? By evading Black Cat but fail. The stun happens and Kiman is bounced to my hand.
Turn 5: It's My initiative and I recruit Kiman, Mr. Mxy, and Haywire. I use Kiman to make someone's defense 0 and swing Haywire in that character for the mutual stun. I swing Mr. Mxy into Kona Lor for the mutual stun. The rest is a blur, All I know is that I made very intelligent attacks.
Turn 6: I under drop Valentina Vostok, Ape x, Quagmire, and Haywire. I manage to survive the turn with 1 endurance remaining. He has only Zazzala and Admiral Galen Kor going into turn 7.
Turn 7: I recruit Thanos, Ape x, and Haywire. He Bounces his Admiral with Spire, after which he recruits Dr. Minerva and pulls Captain att-lass with it; he recruits Att-lass and Admeral. He forms Att-lass behind Admeral and Minerva next to Att-lass. Haywire swings on Minerva for the Mutual stun (Valentina giving everyone -3 defense). Thanos swings over to Att-lass, he uses live Kree or Die and Two Hala Activations for the stun back, I use Thanos's free ability; he loses 14 and I lose 6. I swing Kiman onto Admeral for the mutual stun; I take 4 he takes 6. I swing Black Cat, Ape x, and Quagmire to the face for 4. He uses his last trick, No Man Escapes the Manhunters, on my Valentina Vostok, I team-up and Negate it with the very same Trial by Jury I should have used on turn 4. He swings into Ape x for the mutual stun. -5 to -13 in my favor. Very close game, but I win.
-Round five: Harvey Bullock Machine
I'm playing my friend Darrius who is borrowing about 50% of his deck from me. In testing I beat him more often then not, especially that time I negated Deadshot two separate times over the course of one game using Trial by Jury. My deck imploded and I drew horrendously therefore I lost.
-Round six: Checkmate/Villains United
Accidentally switch initiative on turn 6, we resolve it and continue play. I win despite my opponent playing two Knight Armors and my not drawing any Proud Zinco Products.
-Round seven: Franklin control
My draw is a little sub-par but would not have been a problem if my opponent didn't use A Proud Zinco Product on my Ego gem. Going into turn 5 I don't even have Kiman but feel I can recover as long as I KO Captain Amercia (3).
Turn five: I play Rose Wilson, KO my Black Cat to Ivy to get my team-up (my opponent should have chained with his Rose Wilson to KO my Ivy). After it resolves he activates Rose Wilson in order to KO my Ivy, I chain with the team-up"¦ but not with Rose. Because Rose was my only character, I was unable to use her. In the recovery phase I let Rose Wilson die knowing I needed to recur her, and that I needed my opponent to miss next turn.
Turn six: I stupidly play Ape x BEFORE I swamp/recruit Rose Wilson. So of course in response to the recruit effect of Rose Wilson, he uses his Rose Wilson to KO my Ape X. Unable to get a Haywire, I am again rendered unable to use Rose Wilson. I pass my build and he recruits Terrax; I scoop.
In retrospect: with the draw going the way it was, even If I had managed to KO Captain American on turn 5 he probably could have just re-recruited him and I would have been screwed regardless.
I make into top 8 as eighth seed; my 3rd, 5th, 6th, and 7th round opponents had all made top 8. SCORE!!!
Quarterfinals: Syndicate rush
So I play the guy who got a perfect 7-0 record in the swiss portion using a syndicate deck. He wins the die roll and choses the even initiatives.
Turn one: he plays basilisk
Turn two: he plays Vulture and Slyde, I play Black Cat. Basilisk locks down Black Cat and the other characters swing to the face
Turn three: I recruit Ivy and Ape x, he recruits Answer and Lizard. He forms (if memory serves me correctly) Vulture in front of Answer, Lizard in front of Basilisk, and Slyde next to Lizard. I send Ape x into Vulture for the mutual stun, it happens. Answer isn't a perceived threat for the turn, but fearing both a Rabbit Fire or a No Fear on anyone else, I swing Ivy into the now unprotected Answer. He powers up, I power up, I get the stun. It's His attacks and he decides to swing Lizard with a Trial by Fire into Poison Ivy, Before the attack resolves, I KO Ape x to Ivy and get New Baxtar Building which I activate to draw a card (I had recruited Mind Gem onto Ape x); the attack resolves and we trade stuns. He declines to make any further attacks. He recovers Answer, I recover Ivy.
Turn four: He recruits Carnage Boosted and activates Spider Hunt; talk about a nice draw. I recruit Kiman. He pays 1 with Slyde to let his smaller characters hit the hidden area. He attacks Answer into Kiman and uses Answers effect, paying 4, I discard Quagmire and pay with Kiman to stun him. He attacks Basilisk into Black Cat, I flip my Slaughter Swamp to get back Quagmire, then use Quagmire and Kiman to stun him. He swings Slyde into Kiman, I activate Kiman to give him -3 defense then pay with Kiman to stun him. He attacks Carnage into Ivy, I play and resolve 2 What are Friends for? from the hand and pay with Kiman to stun him. I swing back with my Ivy (since black cat was exhausted to Empire State University). He choses to recover Carnage.
Turn five: I recruit Valentina Vostok and Ape x. He recruits Fusion and uses it's effect to KO a resource; he then recruits (if memory serve me correctly) Vulture and Basilisk. He forms with everyone in the front. I swing Ivy into fusion and he takes the stun, I pass my attacks. He attacks with Carnage onto Ape x, I activate Kiman to bring Carnage down to 1 defense for the mutual trade. In recovery he recovers Fusion and I recover Ape x.
Turn six: We enter this turn with the endurance totals 28-14 in my favor. He recruits Razorfist and Vermin (searching out another). I recruit Thanos, use his free ability, activate Valentina Vostok (as usual) and pass. He scoops.
Semi-finals: Franklin control
So my opponent is the same person I played in the final round of swiss; he had just beaten Darrius in the quarterfinals. Both of us had decent draws and it was a much better game then the other one we had. On turn 5 I used Rose Wilson to KO his Captain America.
Turn six: His board is Terrax (6) behind Scarecrow (with 3 counters) and Human Torch (4) behind Franklin Richards in the hidden area. My board is Thanos in front of Black Cat and an activated Valentina Vostok in front of Kiman in the hidden area. He swings Human Torch on Black Cat, I use What are Friends for? and pay 1 with Kiman to stun it. He swings Terrax on Black Cat I play and resolve 2 What or friends for? and pay with Kiman, he chains to Kiman with Terrax's ability, I stupidly stunned Black Cat. The reason I did this is because the defender is usually irrelivent to me as long at the attacker stuns. I could have A) chained by paying with Kiman again or B) stunned Valentina Vostok. I no longer have enough tricks to stun both his guys, and I lose. In all fairness, I don't know If I would have won or not even if I hadn't screwed up. My opponent compliments me on my deck, saying it's a good deck and that I did a good job building it; this makes my day.
In retrospect:
Soul World and Galactus actually did nothing. I would put in a 3rd Trial by Jury because if the field had had more Kree/VU I would have been pushing my luck. As for the other open slot I'm going to have to go with adding a 4th Sorcerer's Treasure back in for now.
Side note:
Even if I had made it to the finals, my opponent would have been my round 3 opponent, hence Wonder Man eats Kiman's face.
-Mike, for giving us a ride at the last minute
-Darrius, for not imploding in a downward spiral of fail like usual
-Myself, for getting to the semi-finals with WAFFles
-The Chinese food
-getting worked up over discrepancy in round 6
-having to wait a round and a half to eat the Chinese food I ordered
-the judge, for ruling incorrectly that you can't chain backup abilities to Hulk's (7) come in to play triggered effect.
-getting a warning for slow play, when all my opponent played slower then myself
-Starting an hour late
-finding out I have a 90 dollar deficit in my checking account