

removed from play
I needed something to relieve the pressure in my head, after struggling with a master's class, writing the rough draft of rules for another site, AND an Ancient Gear Golem build.

I decided to focus on this stall variety of The Dark Door.

19 monsters
2 Horus the Black Flame Dragon L.6
1 Patrician of Darkness

1 The Unhappy Maiden
1 Hyper Hammerhead
1 Mystic Swordsman L.2
3 Mataza the Zapper
3 Gyroid
3 Asura Priest
2 A-Team: Trap Disposal Unit
2 Maryokutai

7 traps
2 Dark Spirit of the Silent
2 Magic Drain
2 Sakuretsu Armor
1 Shift

16 spells
3 Dark Door
3 Hammer Shot
1 Raregold Armor
1 United We Stand
1 Premature Burial
1 Snatch Steal
2 Wave Motion Cannon
1 Scapegoat
1 Mystical Space Typhoon
1 Giant Trunade
1 Cold Wave

total: 42 cards

I can't remember who I first heard mention Gyroid+Dark Door, but it is fun. So is equipping Gyroid with Raregold Armor (something I can't do with Spirit Reaper)

Mataza and Asura are my two main attackers. If I recall correctly, I can attack with one monster and Horus will ignore Dark Door, even though the text states "player" it is really affecting monsters not selected by the player for its effect, therefore Horus will ignore its restriction.

The rest is about redirection and stall. Wave Motion Cannon is my alternative for winning, since I have found it difficult when my opponent summons something like Dark Ruler Ha Des to the field, or removes my Dark Door.
I like the idea of Maurauding Captain and maybe Reinforcements of the Army.

But if I use Silent Swordman, then it will only be unaffected by my opponent's Spell Cards. It would still be subject to the effect of my own Dark Door, whereas Horus L.6 would not.
Dang! Narrow Pass would be beautiful here: thematic and everything.

I kind of want to drop a monster though, to make space. 19 is a little high for me. Especially considering my opponent wont be swarming me much anyways. Right now its either going to be Unhappy Maiden, or a copy of Maryokutai/A-Team.
I think I can take credite for the Gyroid + The Dark Door idea...

All modesty aside, I like what you've got going on here. Spirit monsters can also benefit from The Dark Door. I see you've got some Asura Priests in there, but you might also consider Inaba White Rabbit.

Time Seal seems like it would be a nice fit here. If you decided to try it out, I'd suggest the Tsukuyomi + Mask of Darkness + Time Seal combo.

Keep up the good work. I love the originality here.
thanks, Jathro, that was the thread that I was thinking of. Though really......didn't pssvr beat you to the punch? He mentioned Gyroid+Dark Door in his first post. *tee hee*

Time Seals were an original consideration when building this deck, but I just..ran out of room.
I might try creating a side deck for this and include that strategy though.

I made a couple of changes already, but havent had much opportunity to test them.

-Unhappy Maiden
-Mystic Swordsman L.2


I needed a little search and speed in this deck. Most things can be found with Sangan, too.

-Cold Wave
+Giant Trunade
I ran into a couple of situations when I could have attacked big, were it not for The Dark Door that 'sQueezed' me.

-1 Magic Drain
+1 Magic Jammer
I needed more secure means of stopping Dark Door from being nuked.

+1 Royal Command
my deck count is still at 42 with this, but that's ok. Mystic Swordsman L.2 was for my fear of Cyber Jar, Morphing, and Magician of Faith. But I hated giving up my only attack option to that monster, when it did no damage. So, this takes care of all of those things.

One thing I really want to add is Metamorphasis. I have a BES Crystal Core side decked, and along with Patrician of Darkness, have a great opportunity to pull out Dark Balter or Reaper of the Nightmare, which would be great here. Even my solitary Scapegoat brings out another "sQueeze" theme Fusion: TER.

I just don't particularly want to keep upping and upping the card count indiscriminately. Perhaps in trade for 1 Dark Spirit of the Silent.....