The Syndicate...
Well my friend tells me about these card used in the "Yu-Gi-Oh : Grand Championship" series by some pink hair dude. Like its a deck of Valkryies.
Just wondeirng if anyone knew the effects of like each card that he used, and also if/when these card will be released in the US, if it has not been done so already.
They do seem quite powerful, as he stated that he won the game in one turn, but then again.... thats just the television show.... *sigh* -.-
Just wondeirng if anyone knew the effects of like each card that he used, and also if/when these card will be released in the US, if it has not been done so already.
They do seem quite powerful, as he stated that he won the game in one turn, but then again.... thats just the television show.... *sigh* -.-