Voltron! Defender of th...hey, those aren't loins!


New Member
So I'm looking for photos of Voltron and the search engine keeps showing these photos of, I think five cars that transform into a giant robot. Now I'm not a "hardcore" Voltron fan. I considered myself in the norm of fandom. So whatever justified this new version I've never heard of. Could anyone fill me in. And was the new version any good? :?
Loin Voltron. Banned in nine countries, but popular in Europe. <ahem>

When Voltron was popular, Belk's used to have a decent toy section. They were selling these three versions of 20-some inch Voltron figures. They had the Lions, of course, which most people know about, and they had the vehicle version, which broke down into something like twenty parts. There was a third that I can't quite remember. But it was pretty awesome, as far as my memory will recall.

I still have Black Lion and a slightly beat up Blue Lion. But there in pretty decent shape considering I used to slam stuff around back then. My Voltron figures are the only things from my childhood that I still own that I've never lost the accessories for. I still have Black Lion's key, shoulder blade a and power sword and Blue Lion's tail laser.

There was this four foot plastic version that I really wanted back in the day, but I've never seen it again. It was cheap looking, and like only 20 dollars at the time, but I thought it was cool. I've always wondered if anyone still had one.
Thanks for the links densetsu_x. Unfortnately I didn't notice my typo until djp952 pointed it out. A hysterical slip of the keyboard indeed. :naughty