"A character is not stunned when its DEF is 0." (??!!)

Digital Jedi

Staff member
This has been bothering me for a while now. And no one can explain to me. But this has been the ruling since the set came out.
Savage Land MOR-103
Location, 1

Target Brotherhood attacker you control gets +1 ATK and -1 DEF this attack for each resource you control.

If Savage Land lowers a character's DEF to less than 0, treat its DEF as 0 for all purposes except adding to or subtracting from it.

A character is not stunned when its DEF is 0.
Uh ... it not?
and Plastic Man would keep stunning himself...

Have 0 DEF doesn't "trigger" a stun. The 0 DEF character would still need to be stunned by an attack or effect. Having a DEF of 0 doesn't mean you're stunned.

If they were attacked by an attacker with an ATK of 0, then they would be stunned.
Wait, are you saying the ruling is assuming a person might think that the mere reduction to 0 would stun a character? I always assumed the ruling was refering to an attack, not just the reduction process. Why would anyone think that the reduction to 0 would "trigger" a stun?
The reason why they put that there is due to the fact that many current VS players are former/current Magic players as well.

Since both games share many many similarities between the two, the common Magic player may believe that a character would become stunned or KO'ed when it's defense (or toughness) reaches 0.

This is mainly due to the fact that a creature is sent to the graveyard when it's toughness (defense) reaches 0 in Magic.
Argh! Thats why none of the former Yu-Gi-Oh! players could explain to me. Well, thanks. I should have posted this question month ago.
ya mr. palmer is right.

but i belive that there are characters with 0 defense. if they were to be summoned they would be stunned if the stun mechanic triggered everytime the defense was at 0.

its why in magic, creatures end up dying through power down effects.

"Ill Last gasp your watch wolf, the Attack is illegal"

unlike in vs. in vs. doesnt matter.
Well, I should have realised they were talking to Magic players. The "'Fizzle' is not a game term" ruling should have clued me in.