Blue Haze


New Member
Yes, named after the Lennie Cravetz song (can't spell). It's another deck from my head. lol. ne ways, it's GK/AI also, and focuses on a swarm type thing but is controlive. like the last one, except this will be less weak towards bad draws, especially with 6 search cards. anyways, heres the deck:

Blue Haze
CH: x32
x12 GCPD Officer
x4 Commissioner Gordon
x4 Harvey Bullock
x4 Shimmer
x2 Dr. Light
x2 Cassandra Cain@Batgirl
x4 Puppet Master

PT: x21
x4 Entangle
x4 Fizzle
x3 Bat Signal
x3 Underworld Star
x4 Dynamic Duo
x3 World's Finnest

LO: x7
x3 GCPD Headquarters
x4 Metropolis

the point is too stall out, until turn 9, then play a boosted Dr. Light and bring back a huge army. It's not a bad idea to discard Gordons cause that will give additional bonuses too your army guys. Though the Doc is important, only 2 are required, with all the search, your pretty much garuenteed to hit. Batgirl is too get more cards in the discard. you should have no problem holding off your opponents attack, you have Puppet master, Shimmer, Entangle and Harvey to exaust guys. you may want to team attack, you should be safe with dynamic duo and gcpd headquarters. Commish helps pump. the best idea would be to use harvey on def, that way you won't loose an attack. by turn 9, you'll have the game won. any thoughts?
Uh, where is the AI in the deck as you stated? Other than a few cards +/-, the deck is basically a spin off of the Knight Light Deck.

I'd probably go with 5 Team up cards. Gives you two extra PT to put in. Cover Fire works well since you should have a lot of Officers and Harvey on the field.
the what? oh, didn't know about it. the criminlay insane one should be on the deck depot. thanx for the input.
Yeah this is just a variation on Knight Light. The only problem you'll find yourself running into is not drawing F5 characters, which doesn't sound likely, but happens more often than you think. I've had a build of this built for a *long* time. Army or Curved based, if you don't draw the F5 characters you're kinda screwed. Run 4 Shimmers and 4 Lights.