Cosmic Superman



Characters: 29
4x Lois Lane
4x Professer Emil Hamilton
4x Superman, Red
4x Superman, Clark Kent
4x Superman, Blue
3x Cir-El <> Supergirl
1x Superman, Kal-el
3x Eradicator
2x Superman, Man of Steel

Equipment: 5
2x Mother Box
3x Entropy Aegis Armor

Location: 6
4x Cadmus Lab
2x Avalon Space Station

Plot twist: 20
2x Cover Fire
2x Acrobatic Dodge
2x Savage Beatdown
2x Super Strength
4x Super Speed
4x Man of Tomorrow
4x I Hate Magic!

The idea is to keep cosmic counters on characters. I like to drop Cir-El and boost on 6.
Any suggestions or ideas?
Superman Blue and Cir-El sort of conflict with each other. I find that I do not use Blue's effect to much. You might want to put in some back up characters. You will not all ways have Red of C Lab. Fortress of Solitude could be a nice add in. +1, +1 is not that bad and if you are behind, then +2 +2 in not that shabby. It has nice synergy the the Armor as well.

The 3rd Eradicator is not that needed. Just use two 7 drops. Make one of them False Son, so you can search for him. I like to use 2 in my higher drops, because there is just too many replacing cards out there. If you only run with 1, then you run the risk of getting it put in your resource row.

Super Speed and Strength does not help with what you are trying to do. It is going to be hard enough to keep your cosmic counters.