Deck Masters - B

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Council of Heroes
Staff member
B. Skull Dragon
(Continuous) Black Fierce Trample
During battle between a DARK monster you control and a Defence Position monster whose DEF is lower than the ATK of the attacking monster, inflict the difference as Battle Damage to your opponent.

B.E.S. Covered Core
(Ignition) Core Cover Charge
"Big Core" and all "B.E.S." monsters on the field gain 500 ATK until the end of this turn. Any Battle Damage they inflict to your opponent during this turn is halved. This Ability can only be used once per turn during your Main Phase while you control a "Big Core" or a "B.E.S." monster.
(Continuous) Core Design
"Big Core" and all "B.E.S." monsters on the field gain 200 ATK and DEF.

B.E.S. Crystal Core
(Ignition) Core Crystal Shift
Pay 500 Life Points and select 1 face-up monster your opponent controls. Change the battle position of the selected monster. This Ability can only be used once per turn during your Main Phase while you control a "Big Core" or a "B.E.S." monster.
(Continuous) Core Design
"Big Core" and all "B.E.S." monsters on the field gain 200 ATK and DEF.

B.E.S. Tetran
(Continuous) Core Design
"Big Core" and all "B.E.S." monsters on the field gain 200 ATK and DEF.
(Ignition) Core Tetra Bombard
Discard 1 card and select 1 Spell or Trap Card your opponent controls. Destroy the selected card. This Ability can only be used once per turn during your Main Phase while you control a "Big Core" or a "B.E.S." monster.

Banisher of the Light
(Continuous) Banishment of the Doomed
Any card sent to the Graveyard is removed from play instead.

Banisher of the Radiance
(Continuous) Banishment of the Doomed
Any card sent to the Graveyard is removed from play instead.

Baron of the Fiend Sword
(Ignition) Fiend Spirit Strike
Pay 500 Life Points and select 1 monster your opponent controls whose ATK is lower than or equal to 1500. Remove from play the selected monster. You cannot Summon or Set any monsters during this turn. This Ability can only be used once per turn during your Main Phase.

Barrel Dragon
(Trigger) Bombardment of Spite
Activate when a Level 7 or higher monster is Summoned. Toss a coin 3 times. If at least 2 of the results are Heads, destroy the Summoned monster.

Battle Footballer
(Continuous) Team Line Defenders
All FIRE monsters you control gain 400 DEF.

Battle Ox
(Continuous) Stampede
All Beast-Warrior-Type monsters on the field gain 500 ATK.

Bazoo the Soul-Eater
(Ignition) Soul Reinforcement
Select 1 face-up monster on the field, and remove from play up to 3 cards in your Graveyard. The selected monster gains 200 ATK for each of those removed cards, until the end of this turn. This Ability can only be used once per turn during your Main Phase.

Beast of Talwar
(Ignition) Search for the Talwar
Add 1 card from your Deck to your hand that contains the word "Sword". Shuffle your Deck afterwards. This Ability can only be used once per turn during your Main Phase.

Beaver Warrior
(Continuous) Prairie Power
While "Sogen" is face-up on the field, this Ability is active. All Beast-Warrior-Type monsters you control gain 300 ATK and 400 DEF.

Behemoth the King of All Animals
(Trigger) Saving Lord of Beasts
Activate when you Tribute Summon a Beast-Type monster. Select a number of Beast, Beast-Warrior or Winged Beast-Type monsters in your Graveyard equal to the number of monsters Tributed for that Tribute Summon. Add the selected cards to your hand.

Belial – Marquis of Darkness
(Trigger) Belial's Denial
Activate once per turn when a Fiend-Type monster you control is targeted by a Spell or Trap Card or as an attack target. Negate that Spell or Trap Card or attack, destroy the Spell or Trap Card (if it was one), and then discard 1 card.
(Continuous) Wicked Strength
All Fiend-Type monsters on the field gain 300 ATK.

Berserk Dragon
(Continuous) Frenzied Limitation Breaker
Monsters that require 1 or more cards being face-up on the field for them to be Summoned can be Summoned properly without the required card(s) being face-up on the field.

Berserk Gorilla
(Continuous) Berserker!
All monsters you control gain 600 ATK. All monsters you control must attack when possible. Monsters you control in face-up Defence Position are destroyed.

Beta the Magnet Warrior
(Compulsory Trigger) Electromagnetic Field - Beta
Activates when a Spell or Trap Card is activated that targets 1 or more "Beta the Magnet Warrior" on the field. Negate the activation and effect of that Spell or Trap Card and destroy it.
(Continuous) Magnet Charge
All "Magnet Warrior" and "Magna Warrior" monsters on the field gain 300 ATK and DEF.

Big Core
(Trigger) Core of Black Strength
Activate when you Normal Summon or Flip Summon a DARK monster. Discard 1 card. Put 1 Core Counter on that monster. When a monster with a Core Counter on it is destroyed, the Core Counter is removed from that monster instead.

Big Eye
(Ignition) The Eye Quicker than the Hand
See the top 3 cards of your Deck, arrange them in any order desired, and replace them on top of your Deck. You cannot activate any Spell Cards this turn. This Ability can only be used once per turn at the end of your Draw Phase.

Big Shield Gardna
(Trigger) Warrior's Disbelief of Magic
Activate when a Spell Card is activated that targets a face-down monster you control. Flip that face-down monster into face-up Defence Position, and negate the activation and effect of that Spell Card and destroy it.

Black Luster Soldier
(Continuous) Kaos Cycle Assault
Monsters you control that have been Special Summoned by removing from play 1 or more cards in your Graveyard can attack up to twice during the same Battle Phase.

Black Luster Soldier - Envoy of the Beginning
(Ignition) Envoy of the Beginning
Remove from play 1 Monster Card in your Graveyard and select 1 monster on the field with the same Attribute as the removed monster. Remove from play the selected monster. This Ability can only be used once per turn during your Main Phase.

Black Tyranno
(Continuous) Tyranny Black Rule
All Dinosaur-Type monsters you control gain 300 ATK and DEF.

Blade Knight
(Continuous) Desperation Order
While you have 1 or 0 cards in your hand, this Ability is active. All monsters you control gain 400 ATK and DEF.

Blast Juggler
(Ignition) Ultimate Risk Blaster
Pay 10,000 Life Points. Toss a coin and call Heads or Tails. If you call it correctly, remove from play your opponent's Deck Master. This Ability can only be used during your Main Phase while your Deck Master is on the field.

Blast Magician
(Ignition) Blood Spell of Purgatory
Remove a number of Spell Counters from your side of the field, and select 1 face-up monster on the field whose ATK is lower than or equal to the number of Spell Counters removed x 800. Destroy the selected monster. This Ability can only be used during your Main Phase.

Blazewing Butterfly
(Ignition) Second Summon Soundwave
Discard 1 card and select 1 Gemini monster you control. The selected monster is treated as an Effect Monster, and gains its effect. You can only use this Ability once per turn during either player's Main Phase.

Blizzard Dragon
(Continuous) Blizzard Burst
All WATER monsters on the field gain 300 ATK.
(Continuous) Deep Freeze
Monsters that attack a WATER monster cannot attack, change their battle positions or be Tributed until the third End Phase after that attack.

(Ignition) Block Modelling
Tribute 1 face-up Rock-Type monster. Special Summon 1 "Block Token" (Rock / EARTH / 4 Stars / ATK 1000 / DEF 1500) in face-up Defence Position. You cannot Tribute a Rock-Type monster for this Ability in the same turn it was Summoned or flipped face-up. This Ability can only be used during your Standby Phase.
(Ignition) Super Block Combination
Tribute any number of "Block Token"s. Special Summon 1 "Super Block Token" (Rock / EARTH / 10 Stars / ATK ? / DEF ?) in face-up Defence Position. The original ATK and DEF of "Super Block Token" become the combined original ATK and DEF of the Tributed "Block Token"s. This Ability can only be used once per turn during your End Phase.

Blowback Dragon
(Ignition) Assault Blast
Toss a coin 3 times. Activate 1 of the following effects depending on the result:
  • At least 2 of the results are Heads - Destroy 1 card your opponent controls
  • All 3 results are Tails - Randomly discard 1 card. If you cannot discard, remove from play all cards in your Graveyard.
This Ability can only be used once per turn during your Standby Phase.

Blue-Eyes Shining Dragon
(Trigger) Immunity of the Lords of Beasts
Activate when a Spell or Trap Card is activated that targets 1 or more Dragon-Type monsters you control. Negate the activation and effect of that Spell or Trap Card and destroy it.
(Continuous) Might of the Master of Dragons
All Dragon-Type "Dragon" monsters you control gain 100 ATK for each Dragon-Type monster in your Graveyard.

Blue-Eyes Toon Dragon
(Continuous) Spirit of Otaku
While your Deck Master is in its Deck Master Position, this Ability is active. You are considered to control "Toon World" only for the purposes of Special Summoning Toon monsters.

Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon
(Continuous) Dragon Identity
All face-up Dragon-Type monsters you control are treated as "Blue-Eyes White Dragon" only for the purposes of Fusion Summoning "Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon".
(Ignition) Omega Burst Steam of Obliteration
Discard 4 cards. Destroy all cards on the field. This Ability can only be used during your Main Phase.

Blue-Eyes White Dragon
(Ignition) Blue-Eyes Power Infusion
Pay 1500 Life Points and select 1 monster you control whose original ATK and DEF are lower than or equal to 2000. Double the original ATK and DEF of the selected monster, until the end of this turn. This Ability can only be used during your Main Phase.
(Ignition) Call of the Dragon Lord
Special Summon 1 Dragon-Type monster from your hand. This Ability can only be used once per turn during your Main Phase while you control "Lord of D.".

Brain Jacker
(Ignition) Brain Capture
Pay 500 Life Points, Tribute 1 monster and select 1 face-up monster your opponent controls whose Level is lower than the Level of the Tributed monster. Take control of the selected monster. This Ability can only be used once per turn during your Main Phase.

Breaker the Magical Warrior
(Ignition) Spell Increase
Put 1 Spell Counter on 1 face-up card on the field that you can put a Spell Counter on. This Ability can only be used once per turn during your Standby Phase.

Buster Blader
(Continuous) Restricting Blades of Buster
Dragon-Type monsters cannot attack during the turn they are Summoned.

Byser Shock
(Compulsory Trigger) Shock Tactics
Activates when a monster is Set. Destroy that monster.
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