Machine King
(Continuous) Magic-Proof Dual Reinforced Armour
All Machine-Type monsters you control gain 500 ATK, and are not affected by the effects of Spell Cards.
Machine King Prototype
(Continuous) Resilient Robo
Machine-Type monsters you control cannot be destroyed by the effects of Monster Cards.
Magical Exemplar
(Ignition) Exemplary Summoning Magic
Remove a number of Spell Counters from the field. Special Summon, from your hand or your Deck, 1 or more Spellcaster-Type monsters whose total Levels equal the number of Spell Counters removed. This Ability can only be used once per turn during your Main Phase.
(Continuous) Spell Plus
Your Deck Master gains 1 Spell Counter when a Spell Card is activated. These Spell Counters are considered to be on the field.
Magical Marionette
(Continuous) Magicians’ Power
All Spellcaster-Type monsters you control gain 200 ATK and DEF for each Spell Counter on the field.
Magical Scientist
(Ignition) Gene-Splicing Spell
Pay 1000 Life Points and select 1 Fusion Monster in your Fusion Deck. Special Summon the selected monster. The selected monster cannot attack your opponent directly, cannot be Tributed, and is returned to your Fusion Deck at the end of this turn. This Ability can only be used during your Main Phase.
Magician of Black Chaos
(Ignition) Black Magic
Remove from play up to 4 DARK monsters in your Graveyard. Activate 1 of the following effects depending on the number of monsters removed:
(Continuous) Spell Plus
Your Deck Master gains 1 Spell Counter when a Spell Card is activated. These Spell Counters are considered to be on the field.
Magician’s Valkyria
(Continuous) Magicians’ Soul
Spellcaster-Type monsters you control cannot be destroyed by the effects of Spell Cards.
Maha Vailo
(Continuous) Magical Equipment
All monsters you control gain 300 ATK for each Equip Card equipped to that monster.
Majestic Mech – Goryu
(Continuous) Majestic Magnificence
Either player can Normal Summon Fairy-Type monsters with 1 less Tribute than usual.
Majestic Mech – Senku
(Compulsory Trigger) Angel’s Choice
Activates when a Fairy-Type monster you control inflicts Battle Damage to your opponent. Draw 1 card from your Deck, and add 1 card from your hand to your Deck. Then shuffle your Deck.
Maju Garzett
(Continuous) Help from the Relieved
All Tribute Summoned monsters you control gain ATK and DEF equal to a quarter of the combined original ATK and DEF of the monster(s) Tributed to Tribute Summon that monster.
Makyura the Destructor
(Continuous) Trap Super Spring
You can pay 1000 Life Points to activate a Trap Card from your hand.
Man-Eater Bug
(Ignition) Sacrificial Strike
Pay 500 Life Points and select 1 monster on the field whose ATK is lower than or equal to 1500. Destroy the selected monster. This Ability can only be used twice per turn during your Main Phase.
Manga Ryu-Ran
(Continuous) Chain Bindings of Preservation
While your Deck Master is in its Deck Master Position, this Ability is active. Each “Toon World” you control is unaffected by the effects of Spell, Trap or Effect Monster Cards that target it.
(Ignition) Sketch Book
Pay 1000 Life Points. Add 1 “Toon World” from your Deck to your hand. Shuffle your Deck afterwards. This Ability can only be used during your Main Phase.
Manticore of Darkness
(Ignition) Pyrotechnics
Pay 800 Life Points and select 1 FIRE monster in either player’s Graveyard. Special Summon the selected monster. This Ability can only be used once per turn during your Main Phase.
Marauding Captain
(Trigger) Recognition from the Captain
Activate when you Normal Summon a Normal Monster Card whose ATK is lower than or equal to 1200. Special Summon 1 Level 4 or lower monster from your hand.
Marie the Fallen One
(Ignition) A Fallen Cure
Gain Life Points equal to the number of monsters in your Graveyard x 200 points. If there are 5 or more monsters in your Graveyard, gain 1000 Life Points instead. This Ability can only be used once per turn during your Standby Phase.
(Ignition) Specs-Saver – Guiding Glasses
Discard 1 card and select 1 face-up monster you control. Your opponent cannot declare an attack on any monster other than the selected monster. This effect lasts until the selected monster is no longer face-up on your side of the field. You can only use this Ability during your End Phase when you control no monsters that have been selected by this Ability.
Masked Beast Des Gardius
(Ignition) Mask of Enrapture
Tribute 1 face-up "Grand Tiki Elder", "Melchid the Four-Face Beast" or "Mask" card, and select 1 monster your opponent controls. Take control of the selected monster. That monster's control cannot be switched. This Ability can only be used during your Main Phase.
Masked Sorcerer
(Compulsory Trigger) Spite of Mage
Activates when a Spellcaster-Type monster you control whose ATK is lower than or equal to 1000 inflicts Battle Damage to your opponent. Draw 1 card from your Deck.
Master Monk
(Continuous) Double Punch
Level 5 or higher monsters you control whose ATK and DEF are lower than or equal to 2000 can attack up to twice during the same Battle Phase.
Mazera DeVille
(Continuous) Pandemonium
While there is no face-up Field Spell Card on the field, this Ability is active. You are considered to control “Pandemonium”. Neither player has to pay Life Points during the Standby Phase for Archfiend monsters.
(Continuous) Upgraded Attack Pattern
All Machine-Type monsters on the field gain 300 ATK and DEF.
Megarock Dragon
(Continuous) Megarock Layers
All Rock-Type monsters you control gain 200 ATK and DEF for each Rock-Type monster that is removed from play.
Memory Crusher
(Continuous) Memory Crush!
Neither player can Fusion Summon.
(Compulsory Trigger) Fiend Metalmorpher
Activates during the Damage Step of a battle in which an attacking Fiend-Type monster you control whose ATK is lower than or equal to 1500 battles a monster. That Fiend-Type monster you control gains ATK equal to half of the ATK of the attack target, until the end of that Damage Step.
Mid Shield Gardna
(Trigger) Warrior’s Anti-Magic Shield
Activate when a Spell Card is activated that targets 1 or more face-down Warrior-Type monsters you control. Flip the targeted face-down monster(s) into face-up Defence Position, and negate the activation and effect of that Spell Card and destroy it.
(Trap) Mikazuki no Apophis
Discard 1 card. Place 1 “Moon Apophis Token” (Reptile / DARK / 5 Stars / ATK 1800 / DEF 1900) under your control, and place 1 Moon Set Counter in 1 of your empty Spell & Trap Card Zones. That Token cannot be Tributed. While Moon Set Counter is in a space, that space cannot be used for another card. That Moon Set Counter is destroyed when “Moon Apophis Token” is removed from the field. The activation and effect of this Ability are treated as the activation and effect of a Trap Card.
Millennium Shield
(Continuous) Protection of the Millennium Shield
All Defence Position monsters you control gain 500 DEF.
Mind on Air
(Continuous) Respect Player
Your opponent shows you their hand at all times, even if a card effect states otherwise.
Miracle Jurassic Egg
(Continuous) Jurassic Nesting
Put 2 Egg Counters on your Deck Master each time a Dinosaur-Type monster is Summoned (except by a Deck Master Ability).
(Ignition) Prehistoric Hatching
Remove a number of Egg Counters from your Deck Master. Special Summon 1 Dinosaur-Type monster from your hand whose Level is lower than or equal to the number of Egg Counters removed. This Ability can only be used during your Main Phase.
Mirage Knight
(Continuous) Living Legend of Illusion Knight
Each “Mirage Knight” you control gains 500 ATK and DEF. Each “Mirage Knight” you control is not removed from play during the End Phase of a turn in which it is involved in battle.
Mobius the Frost Monarch
(Trigger) Dismissal of Monarch – Erasure
Activate when you Tribute Summon a monster. Select 1 Spell or Trap Card on the field. Remove from play the selected card.
Moisture Creature
(Ignition) Anti-Magic
Send 3 cards you control to the Graveyard. Destroy all Spell and Trap Cards your opponent controls. This Ability can only be used once per turn during your Main Phase.
Montage Dragon
(Trigger) Montage Bonus
Discard a number of Monster Cards, and select 1 Dragon-Type monster you control. The selected monster gains 200 ATK and DEF times the Level of the discarded Monster Card with the highest Level, times the number of Monster Cards discarded.
Morphing Jar
(Ignition) Duel Morpher #1
Pay 800 Life Points. Both players discard their hands, and then draw 5 cards from their Decks. This Ability can only be used once per turn during your Standby Phase.
Morphing Jar #2
(Ignition) Duel Morpher #2
Pay 500 Life Points. Return all Monster Cards on the field to their owner’s Deck and shuffle them. Both players then pick up cards from their Deck until they have the same number of Monster Cards that were returned to their Deck. The Level 4 or lower monsters are Special Summoned in face-down Defence Position. The rest of the cards picked up are discarded. This Ability can only be used once per turn during your Main Phase.
(Continuous) Blessing of Fallen Angels
All Fairy-Type monsters you control gain 100 ATK for each Fairy-Type monster in your Graveyard.
Muka Muka
(Continuous) Power of Hand
All monsters you control gain 100 ATK and DEF for each card in your hand.
Mysterious Puppeteer
(Ignition) Force into Action
Pay 8000 Life Points and send all cards you control to the Graveyard. Your opponent Special Summons their Deck Master under their control. (Your opponent chooses the battle position.) You cannot play any cards or card effects this turn. You can only use this Ability once per Duel during your Main Phase after your fourth Standby Phase.
Mystic Swordsman LV6
(Continuous) Expulsion Sword Thrust
All face-down Defence Position monsters your opponent controls that are attacked, destroyed by battle and sent to the Graveyard are removed from play instead.
(Continuous) Mysticism Control
Your opponent must pay 400 Life Points to Normal Summon a monster.
Mystical Elf
(Ignition) Chant of Transference
Select 2 Spellcaster-Type monsters you control. 1 of the selected monsters gains ATK and DEF equal to the ATK and DEF of the other selected monster, and then the ATK and DEF of the other selected monster become 0, until the end of your opponent’s next turn. This Ability can only be used during your Main Phase.
Mystical Knight of Jackal
(Trigger) Drop Point
Activate at the start of your opponent’s Draw Phase. Discard 1 card. See the card your opponent draws as their normal draw this turn. If it is the same type (Monster/Spell/Trap) as the card you discarded, that drawn card is removed from play.
Mythical Beast Cerberus
(Continuous) More Magic
Cards that gain 1 Spell Counter when a Spell Card is activated gain 2 Spell Counters instead.
(Continuous) Magic-Proof Dual Reinforced Armour
All Machine-Type monsters you control gain 500 ATK, and are not affected by the effects of Spell Cards.
Machine King Prototype
(Continuous) Resilient Robo
Machine-Type monsters you control cannot be destroyed by the effects of Monster Cards.
Magical Exemplar
(Ignition) Exemplary Summoning Magic
Remove a number of Spell Counters from the field. Special Summon, from your hand or your Deck, 1 or more Spellcaster-Type monsters whose total Levels equal the number of Spell Counters removed. This Ability can only be used once per turn during your Main Phase.
(Continuous) Spell Plus
Your Deck Master gains 1 Spell Counter when a Spell Card is activated. These Spell Counters are considered to be on the field.
Magical Marionette
(Continuous) Magicians’ Power
All Spellcaster-Type monsters you control gain 200 ATK and DEF for each Spell Counter on the field.
Magical Scientist
(Ignition) Gene-Splicing Spell
Pay 1000 Life Points and select 1 Fusion Monster in your Fusion Deck. Special Summon the selected monster. The selected monster cannot attack your opponent directly, cannot be Tributed, and is returned to your Fusion Deck at the end of this turn. This Ability can only be used during your Main Phase.
Magician of Black Chaos
(Ignition) Black Magic
Remove from play up to 4 DARK monsters in your Graveyard. Activate 1 of the following effects depending on the number of monsters removed:
- 1 – Destroy 1 face-down Spell or Trap Card on the field.
- 2 – Destroy 1 face-down monster on the field.
- 3 – Draw 1 card.
- 4 – Special Summon 1 DARK monster from your Graveyard.
(Continuous) Spell Plus
Your Deck Master gains 1 Spell Counter when a Spell Card is activated. These Spell Counters are considered to be on the field.
Magician’s Valkyria
(Continuous) Magicians’ Soul
Spellcaster-Type monsters you control cannot be destroyed by the effects of Spell Cards.
Maha Vailo
(Continuous) Magical Equipment
All monsters you control gain 300 ATK for each Equip Card equipped to that monster.
Majestic Mech – Goryu
(Continuous) Majestic Magnificence
Either player can Normal Summon Fairy-Type monsters with 1 less Tribute than usual.
Majestic Mech – Senku
(Compulsory Trigger) Angel’s Choice
Activates when a Fairy-Type monster you control inflicts Battle Damage to your opponent. Draw 1 card from your Deck, and add 1 card from your hand to your Deck. Then shuffle your Deck.
Maju Garzett
(Continuous) Help from the Relieved
All Tribute Summoned monsters you control gain ATK and DEF equal to a quarter of the combined original ATK and DEF of the monster(s) Tributed to Tribute Summon that monster.
Makyura the Destructor
(Continuous) Trap Super Spring
You can pay 1000 Life Points to activate a Trap Card from your hand.
Man-Eater Bug
(Ignition) Sacrificial Strike
Pay 500 Life Points and select 1 monster on the field whose ATK is lower than or equal to 1500. Destroy the selected monster. This Ability can only be used twice per turn during your Main Phase.
Manga Ryu-Ran
(Continuous) Chain Bindings of Preservation
While your Deck Master is in its Deck Master Position, this Ability is active. Each “Toon World” you control is unaffected by the effects of Spell, Trap or Effect Monster Cards that target it.
(Ignition) Sketch Book
Pay 1000 Life Points. Add 1 “Toon World” from your Deck to your hand. Shuffle your Deck afterwards. This Ability can only be used during your Main Phase.
Manticore of Darkness
(Ignition) Pyrotechnics
Pay 800 Life Points and select 1 FIRE monster in either player’s Graveyard. Special Summon the selected monster. This Ability can only be used once per turn during your Main Phase.
Marauding Captain
(Trigger) Recognition from the Captain
Activate when you Normal Summon a Normal Monster Card whose ATK is lower than or equal to 1200. Special Summon 1 Level 4 or lower monster from your hand.
Marie the Fallen One
(Ignition) A Fallen Cure
Gain Life Points equal to the number of monsters in your Graveyard x 200 points. If there are 5 or more monsters in your Graveyard, gain 1000 Life Points instead. This Ability can only be used once per turn during your Standby Phase.
(Ignition) Specs-Saver – Guiding Glasses
Discard 1 card and select 1 face-up monster you control. Your opponent cannot declare an attack on any monster other than the selected monster. This effect lasts until the selected monster is no longer face-up on your side of the field. You can only use this Ability during your End Phase when you control no monsters that have been selected by this Ability.
Masked Beast Des Gardius
(Ignition) Mask of Enrapture
Tribute 1 face-up "Grand Tiki Elder", "Melchid the Four-Face Beast" or "Mask" card, and select 1 monster your opponent controls. Take control of the selected monster. That monster's control cannot be switched. This Ability can only be used during your Main Phase.
Masked Sorcerer
(Compulsory Trigger) Spite of Mage
Activates when a Spellcaster-Type monster you control whose ATK is lower than or equal to 1000 inflicts Battle Damage to your opponent. Draw 1 card from your Deck.
Master Monk
(Continuous) Double Punch
Level 5 or higher monsters you control whose ATK and DEF are lower than or equal to 2000 can attack up to twice during the same Battle Phase.
Mazera DeVille
(Continuous) Pandemonium
While there is no face-up Field Spell Card on the field, this Ability is active. You are considered to control “Pandemonium”. Neither player has to pay Life Points during the Standby Phase for Archfiend monsters.
(Continuous) Upgraded Attack Pattern
All Machine-Type monsters on the field gain 300 ATK and DEF.
Megarock Dragon
(Continuous) Megarock Layers
All Rock-Type monsters you control gain 200 ATK and DEF for each Rock-Type monster that is removed from play.
Memory Crusher
(Continuous) Memory Crush!
Neither player can Fusion Summon.
(Compulsory Trigger) Fiend Metalmorpher
Activates during the Damage Step of a battle in which an attacking Fiend-Type monster you control whose ATK is lower than or equal to 1500 battles a monster. That Fiend-Type monster you control gains ATK equal to half of the ATK of the attack target, until the end of that Damage Step.
Mid Shield Gardna
(Trigger) Warrior’s Anti-Magic Shield
Activate when a Spell Card is activated that targets 1 or more face-down Warrior-Type monsters you control. Flip the targeted face-down monster(s) into face-up Defence Position, and negate the activation and effect of that Spell Card and destroy it.
(Trap) Mikazuki no Apophis
Discard 1 card. Place 1 “Moon Apophis Token” (Reptile / DARK / 5 Stars / ATK 1800 / DEF 1900) under your control, and place 1 Moon Set Counter in 1 of your empty Spell & Trap Card Zones. That Token cannot be Tributed. While Moon Set Counter is in a space, that space cannot be used for another card. That Moon Set Counter is destroyed when “Moon Apophis Token” is removed from the field. The activation and effect of this Ability are treated as the activation and effect of a Trap Card.
Millennium Shield
(Continuous) Protection of the Millennium Shield
All Defence Position monsters you control gain 500 DEF.
Mind on Air
(Continuous) Respect Player
Your opponent shows you their hand at all times, even if a card effect states otherwise.
Miracle Jurassic Egg
(Continuous) Jurassic Nesting
Put 2 Egg Counters on your Deck Master each time a Dinosaur-Type monster is Summoned (except by a Deck Master Ability).
(Ignition) Prehistoric Hatching
Remove a number of Egg Counters from your Deck Master. Special Summon 1 Dinosaur-Type monster from your hand whose Level is lower than or equal to the number of Egg Counters removed. This Ability can only be used during your Main Phase.
Mirage Knight
(Continuous) Living Legend of Illusion Knight
Each “Mirage Knight” you control gains 500 ATK and DEF. Each “Mirage Knight” you control is not removed from play during the End Phase of a turn in which it is involved in battle.
Mobius the Frost Monarch
(Trigger) Dismissal of Monarch – Erasure
Activate when you Tribute Summon a monster. Select 1 Spell or Trap Card on the field. Remove from play the selected card.
Moisture Creature
(Ignition) Anti-Magic
Send 3 cards you control to the Graveyard. Destroy all Spell and Trap Cards your opponent controls. This Ability can only be used once per turn during your Main Phase.
Montage Dragon
(Trigger) Montage Bonus
Discard a number of Monster Cards, and select 1 Dragon-Type monster you control. The selected monster gains 200 ATK and DEF times the Level of the discarded Monster Card with the highest Level, times the number of Monster Cards discarded.
Morphing Jar
(Ignition) Duel Morpher #1
Pay 800 Life Points. Both players discard their hands, and then draw 5 cards from their Decks. This Ability can only be used once per turn during your Standby Phase.
Morphing Jar #2
(Ignition) Duel Morpher #2
Pay 500 Life Points. Return all Monster Cards on the field to their owner’s Deck and shuffle them. Both players then pick up cards from their Deck until they have the same number of Monster Cards that were returned to their Deck. The Level 4 or lower monsters are Special Summoned in face-down Defence Position. The rest of the cards picked up are discarded. This Ability can only be used once per turn during your Main Phase.
(Continuous) Blessing of Fallen Angels
All Fairy-Type monsters you control gain 100 ATK for each Fairy-Type monster in your Graveyard.
Muka Muka
(Continuous) Power of Hand
All monsters you control gain 100 ATK and DEF for each card in your hand.
Mysterious Puppeteer
(Ignition) Force into Action
Pay 8000 Life Points and send all cards you control to the Graveyard. Your opponent Special Summons their Deck Master under their control. (Your opponent chooses the battle position.) You cannot play any cards or card effects this turn. You can only use this Ability once per Duel during your Main Phase after your fourth Standby Phase.
Mystic Swordsman LV6
(Continuous) Expulsion Sword Thrust
All face-down Defence Position monsters your opponent controls that are attacked, destroyed by battle and sent to the Graveyard are removed from play instead.
(Continuous) Mysticism Control
Your opponent must pay 400 Life Points to Normal Summon a monster.
Mystical Elf
(Ignition) Chant of Transference
Select 2 Spellcaster-Type monsters you control. 1 of the selected monsters gains ATK and DEF equal to the ATK and DEF of the other selected monster, and then the ATK and DEF of the other selected monster become 0, until the end of your opponent’s next turn. This Ability can only be used during your Main Phase.
Mystical Knight of Jackal
(Trigger) Drop Point
Activate at the start of your opponent’s Draw Phase. Discard 1 card. See the card your opponent draws as their normal draw this turn. If it is the same type (Monster/Spell/Trap) as the card you discarded, that drawn card is removed from play.
Mythical Beast Cerberus
(Continuous) More Magic
Cards that gain 1 Spell Counter when a Spell Card is activated gain 2 Spell Counters instead.
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