Deck Rate (DGL-Green Lantern Corp.)


New Member
Please rate and make any changes if you feel necessary and give your opinion on the change and an/some opinion on my overall deck.

No. Drop Name Type
3 1 Salakk CHAR
2 2 Kyle Rayner CHAR
2 2 Tomar Tu CHAR
1 3 Tomar Re CHAR
4 3 Hal Jordan CHAR
4 4 Abin Sur CHAR
1 4 Kyle Rayner CHAR
4 5 John Stewart CHAR
1 5 Guy Gardner CHAR
1 6 Boodikka CHAR
3 6 Sinestro CHAR
1 7 Alan Scott CHAR
2 7 Hal Jordan CHAR
4 1 Battle Of Wills PT
2 2 Breaking Ground PT
3 2 Guardians Reborn PT
4 2 No Man Escapes The Manhunter PT
3 2 The Ring Has Chosen PT
2 2 Sweeping Up PT
2 1 Book Of Oa LO
2 2 Central Power Battery LO
3 2 Oa LO
2 1 Willworld LO
4 1 Catcher's Mitt EQ

Legend: CHAR = characters; PT = Plot Twisr; LO = Location; EQ = Equipment
I'd rate it, but I still hvaven't gone through all the GL effects yet. I used to think it was becasue there were more cards in this set. But I think it's just that there is more useable stuff in this set. Less garbage then in Marvel Knights.

Actually let me know how this deck is working for you. I still don't know what to do for my GL deck yet.