Inferno Tempest

Lava Golems
Gren Maju De Eiza
Inferno Tempest
Return from the Different Dimension

I suppose Shiens Spy would be good in here too..... The above is a good setup for an Inferno Tempest deck though... I would also use something like Jinzo, just to make sure you dont get burned on your OTK... and Dark Magician of Chaos... for obvious reasons... plus 3x Gren Maju De Eiza.... that is the 5 monster makeup for a great OTK.... of course Spell Cancellor would be good too so that they cannot spring any quickplay spells on you....
I used to keep Inferno Tempest in duplicate in my RFP Side of my Eyes of Despair Deck, mainly because I went up against Blue Eyes quite a bit. However, the "big hitters" nowadays are more hitting at near 3K level, or going FAR beyond 3K and doing an OTK (props to Chaosruler here 8^D).

Here's something pretty crazy to try that I got from my fiendish leader. At the start of your opponent's turn, activate Reverse Trap. Then, when your opponent attacks your fiend card sitting here, activate Bark of Dark Ruler. Pay the Appropriate life points, and now due to Reverse Trap, you are actually INCREASING the attack value of that monster to put it at the 3K mark. Now you're ready for the tempest. I know it seems a bit crazy, but its another tactic to add to the belt.
With out three Scapegoats its a bit harder to pull off. Its the sole reason I took all three out of my Jank Deck. Cause even then it was an "if I get it" scenario and not the heart of the deck. Thinking it over, though, there are some ways with cards like Spirit of the Breeze and ton of defence that could work out into something original and workable. I suggest looking through the 0 attackers and structuring something around them. This way the deck would have more then just the one combo and when your opponent gets wise to your game and doesn't attack with Lava Golem (or what-have-you), you have something else for your deck to do besides sit there and get whiddled to death by a Mataza the Zapper.

Anti-Aircraft Flower, Batteryman AA, Batteryman C, Catnipped Kitty, Ceremonial Bell, Chaos Necromancer, Cocoon of Evolution, Goblin King, Grave Protector, Great Maju Garzett, Kotodama, Labyrinth Wall, Millennium Shield, Mucus Yolk, Neko Mane King, Ojama Black, Ojama Green, Ojama King, Ojama Yellow, Otohime, Protective Soul Ailin, Relinquished, Royal Magical Library, Royal Magical Library, Soitsu, Soul Tiger, Spirit of the Breeze, T.A.D.P.O.L.E., The Agent of Force - Mars, The Agent of Wisdom - Mercury, The Unhappy Maiden, Thousand-Eyes Idol, Thousand-Eyes Restrict, Ultimate Insect LV1
Not quite, because A Legendary Ocean affects the level of Water monsters in your hand and on your field. It would not affect the monsters in your deck, when Serpentine Princess attempts to do her search.

Ive tried the Reverse Trap combo that Dillie-O mentioned, and found that IF you are able to pull it off, you still want to have as weak a monster as possible on the field. You don't want to pay 2000 LP, just to be sure your opponent hits your Sangan for 3000 damage points. Thats a 5000 LP total loss.

The Unhappy Maiden is one I like, since your opponent's Battle Phase will terminate immediately, meaning they won't get to hit you with another monster, after you already took the big hit.
ShaftX0rz! Oh well, I thought I had an idea. Anyway, I like The Unhappy Maiden even more than Spirit of the Breeze. Kudos, mister calamari.

You know, I once built a beast deck that used Inferno Tempest. It worked fairly well. The idea was to use Nimble Momonga, Bubonic Vermin, and Giant Rat to hold off their weaker beatsticks until they brought out a truly heavy hitter. Then I would Rush Recklessly it, and spring Inferno Tempest. Fun. Next turn was Chaos End followed by Return from the Different Dimension. This always killed them, because three of the monsters summoned by return were Milus Radiants, thus giving an unstoppable attack force.
