New Brave


New Member
Alright, heres my NTT deck. It focuses on the GK/TT team up and that stuff. Anyways, heres the list:
20 GCPD Officer, Army
3 Commissioner Gordon, James Gordon
3 Roy Harper@Arsenal, Sharp Shooter
2 Tim Drake@Robin, Young Detective
3 Vic Stone@Cyborg, Human Machine
1 Donna Troy@Troia, Child of Myth

4 New Teen Titans
4 Dynamic Duo
4 Batsignal
4 The Brave and The Bold
4 Teen Titans Go!

4 GCPD Headquarters

4 T-Jet

The idea is too play lots of Cops and then play the Comish. So, you've got a nice 2/2 Army. Then, you have other routes. You can go with Vic Stone to get multiple T-jets in play (if the ruling i recieved is right) and give lots of boost with New TT. With one T-Jet, you give +2/+2 and with two (the amount you usually have) it will give +3/+3. Making it like a Lost City. and with so many guys out, that will be spread out nicely. It will give you 5/5 cops. that's huge. Another route (if you don't get NTT) is to have tons of cops out then exhaust them for Arsenal. With that whole, exhuast TTG! then do again thing. Team attacking is a major theme, with GCPD Headquarters, you'll kill guys easily. With Dynamic Duo, you wont get stunned. Same with Robin, except if you do have to get stunned, you can stun the guy who's not equiped with a T-Jet. their pretty important, which is why Cyborg is so good. He can give you multiple Jets. Because, If i'm correct, Uniqueness will not be checked when equipment comes in Via His effect. Troia is in there so that if turn 6 rolls around, your not completly screwed. The deck wants to win before then, but she's there just in case. Mostly, she'll be your 7 drop. though you can drop her on turn 6 to knock out their 6 drop. She gets +3/+3 too, so that's good. Tell me wht you guys think .
Where is Alfred and Fizzle? The 2 best GK cards.

If you are going to use NTT, then I would recommend Red Star. Red Star has great synergy with New Teen Titians and Tim Drake.
I would add fizzle.... Just in case flame trap comes up, or reign of terror. Looks good and worth a try.....