New to the game


New Member
I'm trying to teach myself the game and I'd like to know if I have 2 resource points and I use them to recruit a character that cost 2 does that mean I cant play any locations or plot twists because I've already spent my only 2 points?
Your locations and plot twist usually don't use up your resource points. The numeber on the top left of the card is the threshold cost, which means you need to control that many resources to play it, thats all.

So if you recruit a 2 drop character, you can play 3 "Flying Kick"s on that character giving it +9 while attacking as "Flying Kick" has the threashold cost of 1 and you already fulfill those requirements
You only get resource points at the start of your recuit step. It checks how many resources you have then gives you that number of points. You then use those resource points by recruiting characters, equipment, or using them for payment powers. At the end of your recruit step any points not used are wasted.

The number at the top right is the threshold cost on locations and plot twists. You only need that many resources to play that card. On characters and equipment you would need that many resource points to recruit them.