Rules of the Deck Masters

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Council of Heroes
Staff member

2The “Deck Master” variant of the Yu-Gi-Oh! Trading Card Game has thus far only existed in the Yu-Gi-Oh! anime, and in the minds of a few fans. Attempts have been made in the past to create a distinct set of rules and effects, but to no great extent. Now, such a format exists. It is known simply as “Yu-Gi-Oh! Deck Masters”.

The “Deck Master” game involves each player choosing one monster from their Deck to act as their Deck Master. This Deck Master will have one or more special abilities, which can be used by the player to secure an advantage over the other player. These abilities range from boosting your monsters’ attack power or drawing cards, to destroying your opponent’s cards or dealing them damage. These are all powerful abilities, but beware! Your opponent has their own Deck Master too, and will try to use its abilities to bring you to your knees.

Think smart. Build your strategy, wait for the right moment, play your cards right, and use your Deck Master’s powers and strength to defeat your opponent! It’s time to duel!


2A player is only allowed 1 Deck Master in each Duel, and chooses which Monster Card will be their Deck Master before each Duel begins. If a Match (3 Duels) is being played, then the player can use a different Deck Master for each Duel. Both players’ Deck Masters may be the same monster.

Once both players have chosen their Deck Masters, they are placed face-up on the field in their Deck Master Position. The Decks are shuffled, five cards are drawn and the Duel begins. A Deck Master must begin a Duel in its Deck Master Position.

A monster chosen to be a Deck Master is considered to be in the Deck. Therefore it counts towards the limit on the number of copies of that Monster Card you are allowed to have in your Deck. A Deck must be legal for play before a Deck Master is chosen from it.

“Gemini Elf” is currently limited to 3 per Deck, so if I choose “Gemini Elf” to be my Deck Master, I am only allowed to have up to 2 more copies of “Gemini Elf” in my Deck.[/info2]

Only Monster Cards are allowed to be Deck Masters. This includes Normal, Effect, Fusion and Ritual Monster Cards. Spell Cards and Trap Cards are not allowed to be Deck Masters, even if they would Special Summon a monster (e.g. “Fiend’s Sanctuary”) or would become a Monster Card after activation (e.g. “Metal Reflect Slime”).


2The Deck Master Position is a special location on the field, which is usually occupied by the Deck Master. It is located to the right of the Deck, assuming the standard field layout. This location is not fixed; your Deck Master Position could be anywhere, as long as it doesn’t confuse play.

A card in a Deck Master Position is considered to be completely separate from the rest of the game, and it cannot be affected by any card effects or be declared as an attack target. Only the Abilities of other Deck Masters may affect a card in a Deck Master Position, and only if the Ability specifically says so. Only a handful of Abilities are able to do so.

Cards in a Deck Master Position can only be face-up, and both players can see all cards there at any time (like the Graveyards).

Usually the only card that will ever be in a Deck Master Position is a Deck Master. However, it is possible for other cards to be placed in a Deck Master Position; in this case, the Deck Master Position serves as nothing more than a holding area for these cards (either temporarily or permanently). Any cards other than Deck Masters that are in a Deck Master Position are not considered Deck Masters themselves.


2A Deck Master can have one or more Abilities. These Abilities can be used whenever you want, provided you are able to do so. Many Abilities have restrictions on when they can be activated (e.g. when a monster is Summoned, or during your Main Phase only) and/or how often they can be activated (e.g. once per turn). Some Abilities are always active.

Every Ability has a name, which is shown in green. This name does not affect the Duel in any way.

Every Ability has one of 6 types. An Ability’s type will be listed next to the name of that Ability, in red and in brackets. The 6 types of Ability are:

  • The player chooses when to activate it.
  • Usually only minor restrictions on when they can be activated (e.g. at any time during your Main Phase only).
  • Is Spell Speed 1, and must always be Chain Link 1.

  • The player chooses when to activate it.
  • Usually strict restrictions on when they can be activated. If there are no restrictions, then they can be activated at any time except the Damage Step.
  • Is Spell Speed 3, and can be any Chain Link.

Compulsory Trigger
  • Must be activated when the activation conditions are met.
  • Always have strict restrictions on when they activate.
  • Is Spell Speed 3.

  • Are always active, and always apply their effects to the Duel.
  • Some are active only if a condition is met, or a cost is paid. These Abilities will only be active for a certain time.
  • Making a Continuous Ability become active is not the same as activating an effect or Ability. The act of making a Continuous Ability become active does not form a Chain, has no Spell Speed, and cannot be Chained to.
  • Do not activate, and therefore have no Spell Speed.

  • The player chooses when to activate it.
  • Usually only minor restrictions on when they can be activated (e.g. at any time during your Main Phase only).
  • The activation and effect of a Spell Ability is treated as the activation and effect of a Normal Spell Card.
  • Can be activated even if the player has no empty Spell & Trap Card Zones.
  • Is Spell Speed 1, and must always be Chain Link 1.

  • The player chooses when to activate it.
  • Usually strict restrictions on when they can be activated. If there are no restrictions, then they can be activated at any time except the Damage Step.
  • The activation and effect of a Trap Ability is treated as the activation and effect of a Normal Trap Card.
  • Can be activated even if the player has no empty Spell & Trap Card Zones.
  • Is Spell Speed 2, and can be any Chain Link.

Some Abilities have costs to pay, which are paid upon activation. If you cannot pay the entire cost, you cannot activate the Ability.

The Ability of the Deck Master “Blast Juggler” has a cost of 10,000 Life Points. If I have 10,000 Life Points or less, I cannot activate the Ability of “Blast Juggler”.[/info2]

All Abilities that activate (i.e. all except Continuous Abilities) can be Chained to by an appropriate card effect or Ability.

Ignition, Trigger, Continuous and Compulsory Trigger Abilities are different to card effects. No cards exist that can negate an Ignition, Trigger, Continuous or Compulsory Trigger Ability, but some other Abilities can. The Spell and Trap Abilities, as the names suggest, behave just like Normal Spell and Normal Trap Cards respectively (except you don't need an empty space in your Spell & Trap Card Zone in order to activate them).

Some Abilities can negate themselves, usually by allowing the opponent to pay a cost upon the activation of the Ability (after you pay the cost of activating the Ability, if there is one). A self-negated Ability can still be Chained to by any appropriate card effect or Ability.

My Deck Master is “Hyper Hammerhead”. Its Ability can only be activated once per turn by paying 700 Life Points, and my opponent can negate it by paying 800 Life Points when I activate it. I activate it, and pay 700 Life Points and select 1 monster. My opponent chooses to pay 800 Life Points to negate it. The effect of the Ability is negated, and I cannot activate the Ability again this turn.[/info2]

Spell and Trap Abilities are treated exactly the same as Spell and Trap Card effects. However, a Deck Master with one of these Abilities is not considered to be a Spell/Trap Card, and therefore cannot be destroyed by a card effect or Ability that destroys Spell/Trap Cards (e.g. “Mystical Space Typhoon”).

An Ability cannot affect a Deck Master in a Deck Master Position, unless it specifically says it can do so.

My Deck Master is “Goldd, Wu-Lord of Dark World”. Its Ability allows me to destroy 1 card my opponent controls. However, it cannot destroy a card in my opponent’s Deck Master Position, because it doesn’t specifically state that it can do so.[/info2]

My Deck Master is “Mysterious Puppeteer”. Its Ability allows me to Special Summon my opponent’s Deck Master from its Deck Master Position to the field. This is an example of an Ability that specifically states that it affects a card in a Deck Master Position (my opponent’s).[/info2]

In the event that an Ability’s effect contradicts a card effect, the Ability overrides the card effect. If two Abilities contradict each other, and neither/both specifically state that they override any other Abilities, then they are both applied at the same time. This is most likely to occur with Continuous Abilities.

My Deck Master is “Parasite Paracide”. Its Ability makes all monsters on the field Insect-Type. My opponent activates “DNA Surgery”, declaring Dragon-Type, but it ends up doing nothing, because the Ability of “Parasite Paracide” overrides it. All monsters on the field stay as Insect-Type, and “DNA Surgery” remains face-up on the field meaninglessly. If, later, the Ability of “Parasite Paracide” is negated, “DNA Surgery” will make all monsters on the field Dragon-Type. If the Ability of “Parasite Paracide” then stops being negated, it will make all monsters on the field Insect-Type, and “DNA Surgery” will do nothing again.[/info2]

My Deck Master is “Parasite Paracide”, and its Ability makes all monsters on the field Insect-Type. My opponent’s Deck Master is “Reaper on the Nightmare”, and its Ability makes all my opponent’s monsters Zombie-Type. Neither Ability states they override any contradicting Abilities, so both Abilities are applied at the same time. My monsters are Insect-Type, and my opponent’s monsters are both Insect-Type and Zombie-Type at the same time.[/info2]

You can use the Abilities of your Deck Master regardless of where your Deck Master is (either in its Deck Master Position or face-up on your side of the field).


2At any time during either player’s turn (except during the Damage Step), you may Special Summon your Deck Master from its Deck Master Position to your side of the field in face-up Attack Position or face-up Defence Position. This Special Summon is treated like any other Special Summon, and can be responded to by any cards or Abilities (e.g. “Torrential Tribute”, the Ability of the Deck Master “Tribe-Infecting Virus”).

It is my opponent’s Battle Phase, and my opponent has declared an attack. I choose to Special Summon my Deck Master in face-up Defence Position. Once this is done, it causes a Replay. My opponent responds to the Special Summon with “Torrential Tribute”, which then destroys all monsters on the field, including my Deck Master.[/info2]

When you Special Summon your Deck Master to the field, it becomes the monster that is your Deck Master.

My Deck Master is “Summoned Skull”. After I Special Summon it, it is “Summoned Skull” (Fiend / DARK / Level 6 / ATK 2500 / DEF 1200).[/info2]

You cannot return your Deck Master on the field back to its Deck Master Position. It must remain on the field. Some Abilities can return a Deck Master on the field to its Deck Master Position (e.g. the Ability of the Deck Master “Kuriboh”).


2While on the field, a Deck Master is treated as a Normal Monster Card, and can attack and be attacked just like any other monster.

A Deck Master can be affected by card effects, just like any other monster. The exception to this is that a Deck Master cannot be flipped face-down under any circumstances, cannot be equipped to another monster, and cannot have its control changed. A Deck Master is an invalid target for a card such as “Book of Moon”, “Relinquished” or “Change of Heart”.

In short, the only place on the field your Deck Master can be is face-up on your side of the field.

If a monster used as a Deck Master is originally an Effect Monster, its effect is erased while it is a Deck Master. Similarly, if it is originally an Effect, Fusion, Ritual, Union, Toon, Spirit or Gemini Monster, that designation is erased, and the Deck Master is considered to be a Normal Monster Card.

My Deck Master is “Wall of Illusion”, and it is currently on my side of the field in face-up Defence Position. My opponent attacks it with “Blue-Eyes White Dragon”, but I activate “Waboku” it is not destroyed by the battle. My opponent’s “Blue-Eyes White Dragon” is not returned to its owner’s hand by the effect of “Wall of Illusion”, as this effect is erased because “Wall of Illusion” is my Deck Master. It is treated as a Normal Monster Card, and is not an Effect Monster.[/info2]

My Deck Master is “Yata-Garasu”, and it is currently on my side of the field. At the end of my turn it does not return to my hand, because the effect of “Yata-Garasu” that would return it to my hand is erased because “Yata-Garasu” is my Deck Master. It is treated as a Normal Monster Card, and is not a Spirit monster.[/info2]

You cannot Tribute your Deck Master, unless it is for a Tribute Summon (but not a Tribute Set), a Fusion Summon or a Ritual Summon. You cannot Tribute your opponent’s Deck Master at all.


2You can replace your Deck Master with another Deck Master during the Duel. You can replace your Deck Master as many times as you want.

The only ways to replace your Deck Master are to Tribute it for a Tribute Summon, Fusion Summon or Ritual Summon. In these cases, the newly Summoned monster becomes your new Deck Master, and your old (Tributed) Deck Master returns to being a regular Monster Card.

When you replace your Deck Master, your new Deck Master has its own Abilities, and loses the Abilities of the old Deck Master (unless an Ability specifically states otherwise).

My Deck Master is “Sinister Serpent”, and it is currently on my side of the field. I Tribute it to Tribute Summon “Jinzo”. “Sinister Serpent” goes to my Graveyard. “Jinzo” is now my Deck Master, and thus it is treated as a Normal Monster Card, its effect is erased, and it has the Ability of the Deck Master “Jinzo”. During my next Standby Phase, I can use the effect of “Sinister Serpent” to return it to my hand, because it is now a regular “Sinister Serpent” complete with its effect (and without the Ability of Deck Master “Sinister Serpent”, because it is no longer a Deck Master).[/info2]

My Deck Master is “Red-Eyes B. Dragon”, and it is currently on my side of the field. I activate “Polymerization” to fuse it with a “Summoned Skull” in my hand. The resulting “B. Skull Dragon” is now my Deck Master, with the Ability of the Deck Master “B. Skull Dragon”. My old Deck Master becomes a regular “Red-Eyes B. Dragon” (with no effects/Abilities).[/info2]

You can replace your Deck Master with a new one, even if the new Deck Master does not have an assigned Ability. In that case, the new Deck Master is still your Deck Master, but it has no Abilities to use.

My Deck Master is “Cannon Soldier”, and it is currently on my side of the field. I use “Polymerization” to fuse it with a “Giga-Tech Wolf” on my side of the field. The resulting “Labyrinth Tank” is now my Deck Master, but it has no Deck Master Abilities.[/info2]


2If your Deck Master is not in its Deck Master Position OR face-up on your side of the field at any point during the Duel, you immediately lose the Duel.

Such a situation can occur in a variety of ways, most likely beginning while your Deck Master is on the field (as opposed to being in its Deck Master Position where it is only vulnerable to a handful of Abilities). Your opponent may use an effect or Ability to destroy your Deck Master while it is on the field, or it may be destroyed by battle. Your Deck Master on the field could be returned to your hand or Deck, or removed from play (without being destroyed; but it has still been removed from the field, and still counts).

My Deck Master is “Gamma the Magnet Warrior”, and it is currently on my side of the field in face-up Attack Position. During my Battle Phase I attack my opponent’s face-down “Hane-Hane” with a monster. My opponent targets my Deck Master “Gamma the Magnet Warrior” with the effect of “Hane-Hane”, and returns it to my hand. My Deck Master is no longer either in my Deck Master Position or on the field, so I immediately lose the Duel.[/info2]

If both players’ Deck Masters become somewhere other than in their Deck Master Positions and/or face-up on the field at the same time (i.e. both players lose the Duel at the same time), the Duel is declared a Draw instead.


  • A Deck Master is considered to be included in your Deck for the purposes of Deck construction. A Deck must be legal for play before a Deck Master is chosen.
  • Both players choose one Deck Master from their respective Decks before the Duel begins. You may choose a different Deck Master for each Duel.
  • A Deck Master in its Deck Master Position is considered to be entirely separate from the rest of the game.
  • At any time (except the Damage Step), you can Special Summon your Deck Master from its Deck Master Position to your side of the field in either face-up Attack Position or face-up Defence Position.
  • A Deck Master on the field cannot be returned to its Deck Master Position, except by a Deck Master Ability.
  • Control of a Deck Master cannot change. A Deck Master cannot be flipped face-down.
  • A Deck Master is treated as a Normal Monster Card, and any effect the monster may have is erased while it is a Deck Master.
  • A Deck Master can only be Tributed for a Tribute Summon, Fusion Summon or Ritual Summon. The newly Summoned monster becomes your Deck Master, with its own Abilities. Your old Deck Master becomes a regular Monster Card.
  • You can use the Abilities of your Deck Master regardless of where your Deck Master is (its Deck Master Position or on the field).
  • There are six types of Ability, each of which is different.
  • It is possible for an Ability to create exceptions to any rule, and to override other card effects or Abilities.
  • If your Deck Master is neither in its Deck Master Position nor face-up on your side of the field, you immediately lose the Duel. If both players lose at the same time, the Duel ends in a Draw.
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  • What happens when I Tribute my Deck Master to Tribute Summon “Raiza the Storm Monarch”?

Not much. “Raiza the Storm Monarch” is becoming your new Deck Master, and thus has its effect wiped immediately. It cannot activate its effect, because it doesn’t have one.

Similarly, the Ability of the Deck Master “Raiza the Storm Monarch” triggers when you Tribute Summon a monster, but by the time “Raiza the Storm Monarch” becomes your Deck Master, the Tribute Summon has already happened, so the Ability doesn’t trigger.

If your old Deck Master was, say, “Sangan” (which has an effect that triggers when it is sent from the field to the Graveyard, and activates in the Graveyard), then you will get the effect of “Sangan”, because by the time it activates, it has reverted to being a regular “Sangan”. It’s the same kind of situation as with “Sangan” vs. “Skill Drain”.

Even if a monster is a Deck Master, it is not considered to be a different card. “Sangan” is still “Sangan”, even if it’s also a Deck Master.
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