Some movies just aren't game material


New Member
I just had to say something about this. Lately a lot of movie rights have been purchased by video game software companies to make a game based on the movie. Some of these are good ideas. Some should have never been. And I mean they are so bad that the producers should commit suicide out of embarrasment that they were involved in the project.

Godfather the game: Very good game. Uses the storyline of the first Godfather movie, just changes it slightly to make sense and give the main character a role. All of the main events are in place though. And the gameplay is awesome.

Scarface : This one was good too. It is more like what would have happened to Tony Montana had he not died in the final scene of the movie and come to reclaim his empire. Also very good gameplay. Many things to do, including doing what Tony Montana does best: distribution. You know what I mean. That is actually a lot of the game. You have to make money to get your empire back, and you have to make it somehow, right? A good game nonetheless.

Now for one that made me sick.

Resivoir Dogs : OK. This game kind of goes through what happened to each guy involved in the heist before they all meet at the warehouse. Really linear gameplay, and not really exciting gameplay. I thought it was going to be good, based on how good Scarface and Godfather were. I was highly disappointed. Quentin Terintino probably regrets giving permission for this game. Lets just hope they don't ruin Pulp Fiction.

I wonder if Four Rooms would make a good
I eagerly await the video game adaptation of Howard's End. Watch out for them bookcases. Their a killer.