Sphinx Control

.v e l i u s said:
Thank you for the rating. But I don't think the cards you suggested will fit here. Origional, but it just doesn't fit.

You're right, they don't fit.

I see lack of Nobleman of Crossout, I'd run that in place of one of those Drillroids or something. Unless Dekoichi is run in large numbers in your meta, in that case. The deck looks pretty solid.
It is.

Heres the updated version.

Monsters: 20
[3] Guardian Sphinx
[3] Gravekeeper's Spy
[3] Dekoichi the Battlechanted Locamotive
[2] Spirit Reaper
[2] Magical Merchant
[1] Morphing Jar
[1] Sangan
[1] Tsukuyomi
[1] Magician of Faith
[1] Drillroid
[1] Mystic Tomato
[1] Breaker the Magical Warrior

Magic: 11
[3] The Shallow Grave
[2] Soul Exchange
[1] Mystical Space Typhoon
[1] Card Destruction
[1] Dark Hole
[1] Book of Moon
[1] Heavy Storm
[1] Premature Burial

Traps: 9
[3] Widespread Ruin
[3] Sakuretsu Armor
[1] Spell Shield Type - 8
[1] Call of the Haunted
[1] Dust Tornado
.v e l i u s said:
It is.

Heres the updated version.

Monsters: 20
[3] Guardian Sphinx
[3] Gravekeeper's Spy
[3] Dekoichi the Battlechanted Locamotive
[2] Spirit Reaper
[2] Magical Merchant
[1] Morphing Jar
[1] Sangan
[1] Tsukuyomi
[1] Magician of Faith
[1] Drillroid
[1] Mystic Tomato
[1] Breaker the Magical Warrior

Magic: 11
[3] The Shallow Grave
[2] Soul Exchange
[1] Mystical Space Typhoon
[1] Card Destruction
[1] Dark Hole
[1] Book of Moon
[1] Heavy Storm
[1] Premature Burial

Traps: 9
[3] Widespread Ruin
[3] Sakuretsu Armor
[1] Spell Shield Type - 8
[1] Call of the Haunted
[1] Dust Tornado

I know the title is sphinx control but 3x is a bit too much. Maybe drop one to add a My Body or a Pot of Avarice or something to deal with Mystic Lvl2s since thats the main thing I see being sided vs. this deck.
I've played a Guardian Sphinx deck for a couple of months now. While my version is a good deal different than yours (I include a couple of copies of Hino and three Giant Trunades as well as Ultimate Offering) I can't help but think you're over doing it on the monster destroying traps and a bit short on the S/T removal and negation. I think you'll find BTH, Torrential Tribute, Snatch Steal (after Swords of Revealing Light) and Trap Hole (now being played much more often) will often reap havoc with your Guardian Sphinx...especially in the second and third duels after your opponent has side decked....you'll then likely be inspired to take out a couple of those monster trap destroyers and opt for a couple more Dust Tornados or Giant Trunades.

Looking at your monsters a vast majority of them can attack under Messenger of the Peace. You might try a copy out in your deck. It's fun to have your Spirit Reapers attacking after having used the effect of Guardian Sphinx under the protection of Messenger of the Peace.

I'd encourage a copy of Ultimate Offering in this deck too. Being able to tribute a copy of Magical Merchant or Dekoichi the Battlechanted Locamotive that has been flip summoned during your opponent's battle phase....or tributing off a Spirit Reaper at the end of their battle phase so it's ready for action when it becomes your MP1 is a huge benefit. I'll add that of course Ultimate Offering / Dekoichi / and Tysukuyomi are a great combo...as is are many other of your monsters with Tysukiomi....let alone the benefit of having a 500lp Book of Moon on your opponent's battle phase as long as you have Ultimate Offering active and Tysukuyomi in your hand.