tightplay's trades
this is a partial list, too lazy to go thru all of my books @ this time:
Plague Wolf (scr)
Sky Scourge Norleras (ult)
Zombie Master (sr)
Ryu Kokki (DR2, sr)
Sky Scourge Norleras 1st ed(sr)
Sky Scourge Invicil 1st ed(sr)
Sky Scourge Enrise (sr)
Strike Ninja 1st ed (ur)
Don Zaloog 1st ed (ur) (traded)
Exiled Force (hobby league)
Rare Value (ult)
Book of Life x 3 (sr)
Crystal Beacon (Hobby League)
Dimension Fusion (DR2, sr)
Brain Control (sr)
Card of Safe Return x 2 (ur)
Mystical Space Typhoon (hobby league)
Pot of Avarice (sr)(traded)
Skyscraper 2 - Hero City (sr)
Hammer Shot (ult)
Torrential Tribute (ur)
Deck Devastation Virus (sr)
Birthright x 3 (sr)
Royal Decree (db2, sr)
Skill Drain x 4 (r)
i have about 5000+ commons and rares so if u don't see something, i may have it.