appropriate/forced requisition/null and void


RIP Jacob KT 2/16/06
I am still confused by these cards and I can't find a ruling anywhere. Please clarify which of these of my understandings is correct (using forced requisition as an example)

-forced requisition may be activated when the last event to happen (1st link in a chain resolves) is yourself discarding (thunder dragon, kuriboh, etc.)

-forced requisition may be activated after the resolution of a chain during which you have discarded

On a related note: is kuriboh discarded during the attack step or damage step?
Thunder Dragon and Kuribohs are discards from Costs. Not the last event to happen. You may however activate forced requisition after paying Maintenance Costs, or when the very last thing to happen was you discarding from an EFFECT
um, several things. Kuriboh is the last thing to happen I don't see why it's not, please explain again in more detail. Thunder dragon would be the last thing to happen if you decide not to get any thunder dragons from your deck, I do not see how this is otherwise.

I'm still confused...
Forced Requisition can't be played due to the effect of Kuriboh being discarded to prevent damage to life points because Kuriboh is being discarded accounted to his own effect. and Forced Requisition can't be activated to discarded cards due to Costs.

Just think about it, you can't Tribute Summon to get Jinzo out and inflict 500 points of damage due to Cannon Soldier effect, because Cannon Soldier's effect is due to his own effect by tributing monsters using Cannon Soldier's effect. See what i mean?

The only time Forced Requisition may be  activated is when a card is discarded and does nothing else, such cards like The Cheerful Coffin.

You can determine this by simply reading the effect:

- Tribe-Inecting Virus discards cards to destroy all face up declared types on the field. (No for Forced Requisition)
- The Cheerful Coffin allows you to, "You can discard up to 3 Monster Cards from your hand to the Graveyard." (Yes for Forced Requisitition.
lol dont doubt it. Force Requisition is a very powerful card. once you figured why, you can see why Protector of the Sanctuary is restricted to 1 per deck :wink:

Distubrance Strategy while a face up Protector of the Sanctuary is on your side of the field, and you oppoent has 14 cards in his hands. hahah that combo is evil.... lol
StRiKe_NiNjA said:
lol dont doubt it. Force Requisition is a very powerful card. once you figured why, you can see why Protector of the Sanctuary is restricted to 1 per deck :wink:

Distubrance Strategy while a face up Protector of the Sanctuary is on your side of the field, and you oppoent has 14 cards in his hands. hahah that combo is evil.... lol

That combo doesn't work.

From the FAQ on "Protector of the Sanctuary"
"¢ You cannot activate cards if they make your opponent draw, such as "Dragged Down Into the Grave", "Card Destruction", or "Disturbance Strategy".

What would work is if you activate one of those cards and then chain "Call of the Haunted" to special summon "Protector of the Sanctuary" from the Graveyard to the Field. Since the other card was already activated it must resolve. Then it would work. Not otherwise.

- A
Forced Requisition is very difficult to activate, typically requiring you to keep a surplus of cards in hand so you can discard in the end phase, or use Graceful Charity before it was banned.  However once it has been activated this card will do truly awesome damage to your opponent.  It activates any time you discard, doesn't matter if it was a cost or happened in the middle of a chain or anything else.  Get a Night Assailant in the grave and another in hand in your end phase with 7 cards in hand and you just completely wiped out your opponent's hand.  Simple as that.  It needs to be hard to activate or they would have to restrict the card to keep it from being too broken.