Art is of of a x-box-esque game pad in front of a purple/pink background with lightning effects.
I love this card it is practically a staple for me, the first thing you need to realize is that this is a Quick Play Spell, meaning that you can (on your turn only) play it right from your hand and catch your opponent unawares. Or set it to use on your opponents turn.
Decks: it can be placed into most decks with varying degrees of synergy.
Strengths: (see combos)
Weaknesses: Horus lv8, spell canceller, Magic Drain etc. not much else really as it is chainable.
Sets, Errata changes and rarity:
Ancient Sanctuary
AST-037 (original card)
(ultra rare)
Select and activate 1 of the following effects:
● Change the Battle Position of 1 face-up monster on your opponent's side of the field.
● Offer 1 monster on your side of the field as a Tribute. Select 1 face-up monster on your opponent's side of the field. Take control of the selected card until the End Phase of the turn this card is activated.
Dark Revelation 2
DR2-EN149 (1st change)
(super rare)
Select and activate 1 of the following effects:
● Change the battle position of 1 face-up monster on your opponent's side of the field.
● Tribute 1 monster on your side of the field as a Tribute. Select 1 face-up monster on your opponent's side of the field. Take control of the selected card until the End Phase of the turn this card is activated.
Champion Pack: Game One
CP01-EN010 (2nd change)
Select and activate 1 of these effects:
● Change the battle position of 1 face-up monster on your opponent's side of the field.
● Tribute 1 monster. Select 1 face-up monster on your opponent's side of the field. Take control of the selected card until the end of this turn.
Structure Deck 10: Machine Re-Volt
SD10-EN027 (3rd change)
Select and activate 1 of these effects:
● Change the Battle Position of 1 face-up monster on your opponent's side of the field.
● Tribute 1 monster. Select 1 face-up monster on your opponent's side of the field. Take control of the selected card until the End of this turn.
Starter Deck: Syrus Truesdale
YSDS-EN027 (4th change)
Select and activate 1 of these effects:
● Change the Battle Position of 1 face-up monster your opponent controls.
● Tribute 1 monster. Select 1 face-up monster your opponent controls. Take control of it until the End Phase
Current Rulings (Courtesy of http://netrep.net/ :
• You can activate "Enemy Controller"'s first effect even if you have no monster on your side of the field.
• If you activate either of "Enemy Controller"'s effects, and your opponent chains "Book of Moon" to flip the target monster face-down, its targeting conditions are no longer correct when "Enemy Controller" resolves and "Enemy Controller"'s effect disappears.
• The monster you Tribute for "Enemy Controller" is a cost.
• When the Ignition Effect of "Cannon Soldier" or "Chaos Emperor Dragon - Envoy of the End" is activated, and you chain "Enemy Controller" to take control of the "Cannon Soldier"/"Chaos Emperor Dragon - Envoy of the End", even if you take control of the monster, you cannot take control of the effect itself. So if your opponent activates "Cannon Soldier" or "Chaos Emperor Dragon - Envoy of the End"'s effect, and you chain "Enemy Controller", you still take the damage from "Cannon Soldier"/"Chaos Emperor Dragon - Envoy of the End".
• If "Dark Magician of Chaos" is Summoned, and you chain "Enemy Controller" to the activation of his effect, even if you take control of "Dark Magician of Chaos", you cannot take control of his effect, so the Summoner (the activator of the effect) gets to retrieve 1 Spell Card from the Graveyard.
• When "Spirit of the Pharaoh" is Special Summoned, and "Enemy Controller" is chained to the effect, the player who Special Summoned "Spirit of the Pharaoh" gets the effect because he activated the effect.
• If you take control of your opponent's monster with "Enemy Controller", and then the monster is flipped face-down with "Book of Moon", control of the monster is still returned to the opponent (the original controller) during the End Phase.
• If you take control of your opponent's monster with "Enemy Controller", and then the monster is removed from play with "Interdimensional Matter Transporter" or "Dimensionhole", when it returns to play it comes to the side of the field of the player who used "Enemy Controller", but then immediately moves back to the original Controller.
• If your opponent Normal Summons "Breaker the Magical Warrior", "Breaker the Magical Warrior"'s effect to place a Spell Counter on him activates, and you chain "Enemy Controller" to that effect and take control of "Breaker the Magical Warrior". In that case, resolve "Enemy Controller" first and "Breaker the Magical Warrior"'s effect of placing a Spell Counter second.
• [Re: Aussa the Earth Charmer] If your opponent chains "Enemy Controller" to the activation of the Flip Effect of a "Charmer", and takes control of the "Charmer", the Flip Effect disappears.
• [Re: B.E.S. Crystal Core] If you target the opponent's monster with the effect of "B.E.S. Crystal Core", and an effect is chained that causes it to no longer be on your opponent's side of the field (such as "Remove Brainwashing" or "Enemy Controller"), the effect of "B.E.S. Crystal Core" is not applied.
• [Re: Edge Hammer] If an effect like "Enemy Controller" is chained to "Edge Hammer" and control of the targeted monster switches, it will not be destroyed by "Edge Hammer".
• [Re: Eria the Water Charmer] If your opponent chains "Enemy Controller" to the activation of the Flip Effect of a "Charmer", and takes control of the "Charmer", the Flip Effect disappears.
• [Re: Guard Penalty] "Guard Penalty's" effect must resolve before the selected monster is changed to Defense Position. If the opponent chains "Enemy Controller" to change the selected monster's position, you will not draw a card.
• [Re: Hiita the Fire Charmer] If your opponent chains "Enemy Controller" to the activation of the Flip Effect of a "Charmer", and takes control of the "Charmer", the Flip Effect disappears.
• [Re: Spirit of the Pharaoh] If you activate "Spirit of the Pharaoh"'s effect and "Enemy Controller" is chained, and control of "Spirit of the Pharaoh" switches, the effect is still controlled by the activator of "Spirit of the Pharoah"'s effect.
• [Re: Swords of Concealing Light] While "Swords of Concealing Light" is active, monsters can still have their battle positions changed with card effects like "Enemy Controller" and "Bite Shoes".
• [Re: Tragedy] You can activate "Tragedy" after an Attack Position monster is changed to Defense Position by a card effect, such as "Enemy Controller" or "Stumbling".
• [Re: Treeborn Frog] If you Special Summon "Treeborn Frog" during your Standby Phase, then it's sent to the Graveyard during that same Standby Phase (like if it's Tributed for "Enemy Controller"), you can Special Summon "Treeborn Frog" again that same Standby Phase.
• [Re: Wynn the Wind Charmer] If your opponent chains "Enemy Controller" to the activation of the Flip Effect of a "Charmer", and takes control of the "Charmer", the Flip Effect disappears.
Now for the fun stuff
Ok here are a few situations where Enemy controller comes in handy, this card can even help you win games via field manipulation.
You can chain it to Breaker the Magical Warrior's effect that places the counter onto and take it saving something you may want to protect. For example, you are running Big city or Gravekeeper's and need to keep the field card intact.
The same can be done with Snipe Hunter, although THE EFFECT THAT WAS CHAINED TO WILL STILL GO THROUGH, But your opponent will not be able to to use it again that turn.
It can stop monsters attacking via its first effect, or if you are about to attack say a Monarch for instance you can turn it to defense to make it easier to destroy. Going along the same lines you can swap a high defense monster to attack position (e.g. Destiny Hero - Defender or Big Shield Gardna to name a couple).
It has a wonderful synergy with Hydrogeddon, by switching monsters to defense/attack position it can make an unbreachable wall into a viable target for the 1600 attacker.
Another card that it combos beautifully with is Shield Crush, giving you more targets to remove with it.
Blue Thunder T-45 also loves this card, for two reasons, the first is the same reason as Hydrogeddon both it and its tokens gain from it. the second is the tokens can be used for Enemy Controllers secondary effect.
D.D. Survivor and Scoutplane also have alot of synergy with the seccond effect. especially Sccout plane as it can stop your plane getting run over on you opponents go after you used dd plane for a tribute.
You declare an attack and you opponent chains to it with say Sakuretsu Armor, you then chain using Enemy controller, tribute your monster take their biggest monster or their best effect monster e.g. D.D Warrior Lady, Snipe Hunter etc and continue to attack. this can be done as it happens on the declaration of the attack and not the damage step.
A similar situation with Widespread Ruin you declare the attack and they chain Widespread Ruin, you then tribute you monster and steal their biggest monster and that is then destroyed.
Your opponent has a 2 or more monsters on the field and declares an attack, you have a monster on the field you are going to lose anyway. So you sacrifice your monster and take the biggest monster on their side of the field thereby stopping all the others attacking.
It can be used to take out a Spirit Reaper either just before you attack or
when it attacks, or if you think they will tribute it.
If your opponent is running Marshmallon you can switch it to attack position and get all your monsters to attack through it, much the same as you would if you Creature Swapped a face up attack position Spirit Reaper.
Your opponent plays Smashing/Fissure/Lightning Vortex etc, you chain to the effect tributing your monster that you would have lost and take theirs. their monster then gets destroyed instead of returning to their field so you made them kill their own monster. ^_^
Here is something of interest from http://netrep.net/
[Re: Treeborn Frog] If you Special Summon "Treeborn Frog" during your Standby Phase, then it's sent to the Graveyard during that same Standby Phase (like if it's Tributed for "Enemy Controller"), you can Special Summon "Treeborn Frog" again that same Standby Phase.
When combined with Scapegoat or Ojama Tokens it is like a more complicated Brain Control, although my favourite things to tribute for it are sangan (obv) a spent Breaker or something like a stolen opponents searcher or even Gadgets.
If your deck runs trap negation (e.g. Horus decks, some machine variants, Invincil etc.) it is a good idea to run a couple of these alongside Scapegoat to allow you to defend yourself more effectivly.
Aggro decks can benefit from it by allowing you to make your opponents monster more managable as with most monsters they have one value (either attack or defense) that is alot higher than the other (see also Hydrogeddon.), but on the flip side of that it can also considerably slow down Aggro decks buying you time.
You can chain it to Light and Darkness Dragon's effect to take control of it and tribute it away. Also when playing LaDD decks you can save your own skin by having it set and waiting untill they play a Monarch or similar which normally would be able to run over it after LaDD negates it, you then chain Enemy Controller to LaDD's effect and turn said monster to defense keeping the dragon alive for possibly another turn.
It can act as removal when combo'd with Brain Control/Instant Fusion and a second/third Enemy Controller. Tribute the Brain Controlled or Fusion Monster take theirs play another tributing theirs again then sacrifice it for your own monster. essentially clearing up their field without destroying the monsters as they were tributed not destroyed by an effect, Sacred Phoenix hates this card, it is also a good way to get rid of Lava Golem as soon as it hits the field. So you do not lose any life points on your next standby phase.
It can successfully be used alongside Shrink's in gadget decks.
There are probably many more, situational you say? Granted but the amount of different situations it can be used in makes it a very valuable card, because in this game versatility is key to success.

Art is of of a x-box-esque game pad in front of a purple/pink background with lightning effects.
I love this card it is practically a staple for me, the first thing you need to realize is that this is a Quick Play Spell, meaning that you can (on your turn only) play it right from your hand and catch your opponent unawares. Or set it to use on your opponents turn.
Decks: it can be placed into most decks with varying degrees of synergy.
Strengths: (see combos)
Weaknesses: Horus lv8, spell canceller, Magic Drain etc. not much else really as it is chainable.
Sets, Errata changes and rarity:
Ancient Sanctuary
AST-037 (original card)
(ultra rare)
Select and activate 1 of the following effects:
● Change the Battle Position of 1 face-up monster on your opponent's side of the field.
● Offer 1 monster on your side of the field as a Tribute. Select 1 face-up monster on your opponent's side of the field. Take control of the selected card until the End Phase of the turn this card is activated.
Dark Revelation 2
DR2-EN149 (1st change)
(super rare)
Select and activate 1 of the following effects:
● Change the battle position of 1 face-up monster on your opponent's side of the field.
● Tribute 1 monster on your side of the field as a Tribute. Select 1 face-up monster on your opponent's side of the field. Take control of the selected card until the End Phase of the turn this card is activated.
Champion Pack: Game One
CP01-EN010 (2nd change)
Select and activate 1 of these effects:
● Change the battle position of 1 face-up monster on your opponent's side of the field.
● Tribute 1 monster. Select 1 face-up monster on your opponent's side of the field. Take control of the selected card until the end of this turn.
Structure Deck 10: Machine Re-Volt
SD10-EN027 (3rd change)
Select and activate 1 of these effects:
● Change the Battle Position of 1 face-up monster on your opponent's side of the field.
● Tribute 1 monster. Select 1 face-up monster on your opponent's side of the field. Take control of the selected card until the End of this turn.
Starter Deck: Syrus Truesdale
YSDS-EN027 (4th change)
Select and activate 1 of these effects:
● Change the Battle Position of 1 face-up monster your opponent controls.
● Tribute 1 monster. Select 1 face-up monster your opponent controls. Take control of it until the End Phase
Current Rulings (Courtesy of http://netrep.net/ :
• You can activate "Enemy Controller"'s first effect even if you have no monster on your side of the field.
• If you activate either of "Enemy Controller"'s effects, and your opponent chains "Book of Moon" to flip the target monster face-down, its targeting conditions are no longer correct when "Enemy Controller" resolves and "Enemy Controller"'s effect disappears.
• The monster you Tribute for "Enemy Controller" is a cost.
• When the Ignition Effect of "Cannon Soldier" or "Chaos Emperor Dragon - Envoy of the End" is activated, and you chain "Enemy Controller" to take control of the "Cannon Soldier"/"Chaos Emperor Dragon - Envoy of the End", even if you take control of the monster, you cannot take control of the effect itself. So if your opponent activates "Cannon Soldier" or "Chaos Emperor Dragon - Envoy of the End"'s effect, and you chain "Enemy Controller", you still take the damage from "Cannon Soldier"/"Chaos Emperor Dragon - Envoy of the End".
• If "Dark Magician of Chaos" is Summoned, and you chain "Enemy Controller" to the activation of his effect, even if you take control of "Dark Magician of Chaos", you cannot take control of his effect, so the Summoner (the activator of the effect) gets to retrieve 1 Spell Card from the Graveyard.
• When "Spirit of the Pharaoh" is Special Summoned, and "Enemy Controller" is chained to the effect, the player who Special Summoned "Spirit of the Pharaoh" gets the effect because he activated the effect.
• If you take control of your opponent's monster with "Enemy Controller", and then the monster is flipped face-down with "Book of Moon", control of the monster is still returned to the opponent (the original controller) during the End Phase.
• If you take control of your opponent's monster with "Enemy Controller", and then the monster is removed from play with "Interdimensional Matter Transporter" or "Dimensionhole", when it returns to play it comes to the side of the field of the player who used "Enemy Controller", but then immediately moves back to the original Controller.
• If your opponent Normal Summons "Breaker the Magical Warrior", "Breaker the Magical Warrior"'s effect to place a Spell Counter on him activates, and you chain "Enemy Controller" to that effect and take control of "Breaker the Magical Warrior". In that case, resolve "Enemy Controller" first and "Breaker the Magical Warrior"'s effect of placing a Spell Counter second.
• [Re: Aussa the Earth Charmer] If your opponent chains "Enemy Controller" to the activation of the Flip Effect of a "Charmer", and takes control of the "Charmer", the Flip Effect disappears.
• [Re: B.E.S. Crystal Core] If you target the opponent's monster with the effect of "B.E.S. Crystal Core", and an effect is chained that causes it to no longer be on your opponent's side of the field (such as "Remove Brainwashing" or "Enemy Controller"), the effect of "B.E.S. Crystal Core" is not applied.
• [Re: Edge Hammer] If an effect like "Enemy Controller" is chained to "Edge Hammer" and control of the targeted monster switches, it will not be destroyed by "Edge Hammer".
• [Re: Eria the Water Charmer] If your opponent chains "Enemy Controller" to the activation of the Flip Effect of a "Charmer", and takes control of the "Charmer", the Flip Effect disappears.
• [Re: Guard Penalty] "Guard Penalty's" effect must resolve before the selected monster is changed to Defense Position. If the opponent chains "Enemy Controller" to change the selected monster's position, you will not draw a card.
• [Re: Hiita the Fire Charmer] If your opponent chains "Enemy Controller" to the activation of the Flip Effect of a "Charmer", and takes control of the "Charmer", the Flip Effect disappears.
• [Re: Spirit of the Pharaoh] If you activate "Spirit of the Pharaoh"'s effect and "Enemy Controller" is chained, and control of "Spirit of the Pharaoh" switches, the effect is still controlled by the activator of "Spirit of the Pharoah"'s effect.
• [Re: Swords of Concealing Light] While "Swords of Concealing Light" is active, monsters can still have their battle positions changed with card effects like "Enemy Controller" and "Bite Shoes".
• [Re: Tragedy] You can activate "Tragedy" after an Attack Position monster is changed to Defense Position by a card effect, such as "Enemy Controller" or "Stumbling".
• [Re: Treeborn Frog] If you Special Summon "Treeborn Frog" during your Standby Phase, then it's sent to the Graveyard during that same Standby Phase (like if it's Tributed for "Enemy Controller"), you can Special Summon "Treeborn Frog" again that same Standby Phase.
• [Re: Wynn the Wind Charmer] If your opponent chains "Enemy Controller" to the activation of the Flip Effect of a "Charmer", and takes control of the "Charmer", the Flip Effect disappears.
Now for the fun stuff
Ok here are a few situations where Enemy controller comes in handy, this card can even help you win games via field manipulation.
You can chain it to Breaker the Magical Warrior's effect that places the counter onto and take it saving something you may want to protect. For example, you are running Big city or Gravekeeper's and need to keep the field card intact.
The same can be done with Snipe Hunter, although THE EFFECT THAT WAS CHAINED TO WILL STILL GO THROUGH, But your opponent will not be able to to use it again that turn.
It can stop monsters attacking via its first effect, or if you are about to attack say a Monarch for instance you can turn it to defense to make it easier to destroy. Going along the same lines you can swap a high defense monster to attack position (e.g. Destiny Hero - Defender or Big Shield Gardna to name a couple).
It has a wonderful synergy with Hydrogeddon, by switching monsters to defense/attack position it can make an unbreachable wall into a viable target for the 1600 attacker.
Another card that it combos beautifully with is Shield Crush, giving you more targets to remove with it.
Blue Thunder T-45 also loves this card, for two reasons, the first is the same reason as Hydrogeddon both it and its tokens gain from it. the second is the tokens can be used for Enemy Controllers secondary effect.
D.D. Survivor and Scoutplane also have alot of synergy with the seccond effect. especially Sccout plane as it can stop your plane getting run over on you opponents go after you used dd plane for a tribute.
You declare an attack and you opponent chains to it with say Sakuretsu Armor, you then chain using Enemy controller, tribute your monster take their biggest monster or their best effect monster e.g. D.D Warrior Lady, Snipe Hunter etc and continue to attack. this can be done as it happens on the declaration of the attack and not the damage step.
A similar situation with Widespread Ruin you declare the attack and they chain Widespread Ruin, you then tribute you monster and steal their biggest monster and that is then destroyed.
Your opponent has a 2 or more monsters on the field and declares an attack, you have a monster on the field you are going to lose anyway. So you sacrifice your monster and take the biggest monster on their side of the field thereby stopping all the others attacking.
It can be used to take out a Spirit Reaper either just before you attack or
when it attacks, or if you think they will tribute it.
If your opponent is running Marshmallon you can switch it to attack position and get all your monsters to attack through it, much the same as you would if you Creature Swapped a face up attack position Spirit Reaper.
Your opponent plays Smashing/Fissure/Lightning Vortex etc, you chain to the effect tributing your monster that you would have lost and take theirs. their monster then gets destroyed instead of returning to their field so you made them kill their own monster. ^_^
Here is something of interest from http://netrep.net/
[Re: Treeborn Frog] If you Special Summon "Treeborn Frog" during your Standby Phase, then it's sent to the Graveyard during that same Standby Phase (like if it's Tributed for "Enemy Controller"), you can Special Summon "Treeborn Frog" again that same Standby Phase.
When combined with Scapegoat or Ojama Tokens it is like a more complicated Brain Control, although my favourite things to tribute for it are sangan (obv) a spent Breaker or something like a stolen opponents searcher or even Gadgets.
If your deck runs trap negation (e.g. Horus decks, some machine variants, Invincil etc.) it is a good idea to run a couple of these alongside Scapegoat to allow you to defend yourself more effectivly.
Aggro decks can benefit from it by allowing you to make your opponents monster more managable as with most monsters they have one value (either attack or defense) that is alot higher than the other (see also Hydrogeddon.), but on the flip side of that it can also considerably slow down Aggro decks buying you time.
You can chain it to Light and Darkness Dragon's effect to take control of it and tribute it away. Also when playing LaDD decks you can save your own skin by having it set and waiting untill they play a Monarch or similar which normally would be able to run over it after LaDD negates it, you then chain Enemy Controller to LaDD's effect and turn said monster to defense keeping the dragon alive for possibly another turn.
It can act as removal when combo'd with Brain Control/Instant Fusion and a second/third Enemy Controller. Tribute the Brain Controlled or Fusion Monster take theirs play another tributing theirs again then sacrifice it for your own monster. essentially clearing up their field without destroying the monsters as they were tributed not destroyed by an effect, Sacred Phoenix hates this card, it is also a good way to get rid of Lava Golem as soon as it hits the field. So you do not lose any life points on your next standby phase.
It can successfully be used alongside Shrink's in gadget decks.
There are probably many more, situational you say? Granted but the amount of different situations it can be used in makes it a very valuable card, because in this game versatility is key to success.