gaia soul of the combustible collective


New Member


level 4

type pyro

attribute fire

atk 2000

def 0

o.k hopefully you all know the effect but when I tribute two pyro monsters I can increase the attack by 1,000 for each monster. So, is it saying it goes to 4,000 until the end turn? that's my question it's simple but if so for a rare it's not a bad card...
Yes the boost last until the end of the turn, but remember that if you summon it and don't even use the effect, it is still destroyed at the end phase of the turn, that's it's only downside really, no matter what it's destroyed (if summoned in f/u attack).
The increase does not have a time specified so the increase would be permanent.  Unfortunately it blows itself up.  However, use DNA Surgery to make it a machine then equip it with Heavy Mech and you can keep your 4000 powerhouse for another round.  (Still a very costly card though, giving up two monsters on the field for a simple 4000 attacker for 1 round will relegate this to the seldom played pile.)
true it's costly but I was going to use him in a fire/burn deck, where I use dna transplant, with base-ball kids and scapegoats. Plus the thing in the crater's, and other pyro and fire, and as much burn as possible. Not to mention three backfires, masked dragons, and element dragons....

it'll be new from my spellcaster deck, but I want to try it...
And to further add...

if "Gaia Soul of the Combustible Collective" is summoned to the field during your opponent's turn (say due to "Cyber Jar") and you chose to leave it face up... it's still destroyed during the end phase.

- A
And in that situation you can't use its effect to boost. Tributing can only be done on your turn unless the card says otherwise (Maryokutai and A Team:TDU)
if u tribute 2 pryo monsters and atk and then u use interdimensional matter transport on gaia soul does he still keep his atk value and have a chance to atk next turn
Interdimensional removes Gaia from play until the end of the round. This would reset Gaia back to 2000 and since Gaia comes back to the field in an end phase it would return and then blow itself up. The same would happen with Dimensionhole only difference being you can blow up Dimensionhole during any phase of the round and perhaps use Gaia that round before it blows itself up in the end phase.
To me it just seems like it would depend upon more on the deck and situation as to whether Gaia the Combustible would be usefull or not. If you are running a deck using mainly pryo monsters then he would fit right in and to take out a defense position monster and still have the opponent take damage does not seem like a bad deal to me especially when the ATK of your monster can be boosted to 4000.
I can see where something like that could be a little more effective in a Creator deck because you just simply keep bringing the monsters back out and just recycle the pryo monsters for the 2000 ATK bonus for Gaia. Then again like I said before, that all depends on the deck and the situation. I know for my own decks I plan on using Gaia.
o.k, but key words "end phase" which interdimensional matter transporter helps along any monster that has an end phase effect that I know of.

DMOC, Mirage Knight, Karate Man, many others. To me he seems kinda no different! Why? because their effects are end phase and simularily gaia is too. So does interdimensional work or not?

Interdimensional resets effects by basically telling the game "this is a new monster" so a Mirage Knight that has been involved in battle and then removed with Interdimensional is treated as a monster that has not been involved in battle. Gaia doesn't need any condition other than being there to blow itself up in the end phase. It is the same as a spirit monster returned to the field by Interdimensional, the spirit will return to your hand because that is what a spirit monster does in the end phase. So Gaia blows itself up after returning to the field as a 2000 ATK monster (it doesn't retain the pump after leaving the field because after Interdimensional removes it it is considered a new monster.)