This section is your chance to post a card review along the lines of "Card of the Day".* Please keep these rules in mind when posting:
Thanks to nibbler who suggested this and posted it in the suggestions thread.* Hope you all enjoy it!
- If you are starting a new article, please use proper spelling, punctuation and capitilization before posting. Put your best foot forward. Remember that articles submitted are subject to corrections by the editor, just as with any article submitted to a magazine or website.
- Until we can get links in, please post the text of the card in the body of your article. You may use the [noparse][info2][/info2][/noparse] tags to make it look more professional.
- Remember to fill out all the appropriate fields.
- Treat all posts with respect.* Remember that the posts are opinions on cards.* You are free to disagree with an opinion, but you MUST respect what they have to say.* This rule will be monitored and enforced with resolve.
Thanks to nibbler who suggested this and posted it in the suggestions thread.* Hope you all enjoy it!
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