Official Cyber Stein Thread

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I would be kinda mad if I had a ton of money to spend and I really wanted cyber stein but i was turned down because my rating wasnt high, I think thats how a lot of people are feeling now that there bids were cancelled...
Said it once, will say it again.

In. Sane.

I always said a good one-turn kill deck is worth its weight in gold :p
The seller is using false information: claiming that "There are currently NO PLANS by Upper Deck & Konami to mass produce this card." which we already know now not to be true.

I won't be laughing at the winning bidder.. I'll be laughing at the seller on the way to the Courthouse :D
Well, there is a lot of ambiguity there:

First of all, maybe he is referring to that SPECIFIC "Cyber Stein".

Second of all, I don't think it has been made official by UDE, but it has been told by Kevin (I know that doesn't sound right, but it isn't 100% official yet).
It would have to be "Custom of the Trade" to argue that new Cyber-Steins would be a different card.

However, Upperdeck recently hasn't been calling reprint cards as New.. only reprint or Varient... so if it makes it to court soon the Custom of the Trade is not in favour of the Seller.
well he did mention that it would be reproduced (only for Shonen Jump tourneys however) just no plans to put it out in a set like Dark Beginnings or Dark Revelations, etc.
i will be on the wacth for the link to see any last minute bidders(that would be interesting).23,000 is still a lot and a piece of cardboard doesnt cost that much.well i guess almost all rich people are crazy.
Hmm... What would I do if I had that much money? Not buy acard. Especially since I have a Japanese SK2 Cyber-Stein sitting next to me. :D
Yeah, and its strange how the person has Zero feedback...I would have got someone else to do it in my behalf if I was in his shoes.

The link is over here for those who want to see it.
Which is fake.. the Second one was given out in a raffle: not to "OVERALL TOURNAMENT POINTS CHAMPION"

The text is just a copy of the info on the First Cyber-Stein.
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